I get the biggest kick out of Tinker loving the outside. She runs and runs and runs... and then plops herself down in the grass mid run or walk or whatever! She and Nick play a game where she runs around and then stops. He waits and then says "GO!" and she takes off...she stops.... he shouts "GO!" and off she goes again! We've been working on come outside on a leash too making it fun and into a game and a big belly rub. She loves playing outside and laying down, but forget relaxing yourself. if you're not rubbing her belling while she's laying in the grass she lets you know! she picks up her head and says "hey! you forgot a place!" hehe ; )
Right now she's enjoying a yummy marrow bone. I a lot of short days this week where i was able to get work done at home which meant she wasn't in her crate as long! So its been a good week for her
AND! last night another storm.. not a big one, but enough. She slept through the first part... then shook and shivered a little, but then she settled back down to snoring while i rubbed her belly. I swear, a belly rub can solve just about any ailment for this little girl.
Just wanted to drop a line and let the world know that Tinker is doing great and enjoying the sunshine!
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