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Sunday, December 03, 2006

wrapping up New England

Hi Guys, its me Tink. I had a nice visit in Mass vising my granna, grandpa and everyone else in MA. My pup-a-razzi guy slacked a little so we don't have many pictures of me, but i had a great time with plenty of walks and yummy bits of turkey added to my meal!

here are my mom and dad and uncle and auntie... they took a ride without me to see christmas trees but left me a yummy kong. stretch and aby supposedly kept me company

Granna and snuggly as a brick Aby. Aby and i got along alright... we just had a little disagreement at breakfast one morning, but i straightened her out.

this is the face that started my mum's BT craze! and as much as I hate to admit it, if it weren't for auntie Aby, I wouldn't have my home!

Wandering around the back yard. I love going outside without my leash on! Mum & Dad say someday we'll have a fenced in yard too.

And stretch, he didn't get in my face too much this time, so i didn't get to tell him off. Too bad, his nose is quite tasty. But really, he's not a bad guy, for a dashy.

So we're been home for a week already and mum & dad have been busy busy! But not too busy to make me lots of liver treats and peanut butter treats! Mum put a bunch in other bags and I have a feeling, i have to, gasp, SHARE!!! I dont know about this....

We also decorated for CHRISTMAS this weekend, but i'll let mum post that later. Mum keeps telling me that even though this is our first Christmas as a family that they knew about me last Christmas!!! I'm so excited for lots of yummy food!

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