Tink's perspective on our trip to Josh & Melissa's place

That's a pretty nice view, don't you think? A whole field full of percheron's. The field over THAT way is filled with some cows, but you can't see it from here.
That's a pretty nice view, don't you think? A whole field full of percheron's. The field over THAT way is filled with some cows, but you can't see it from here.
Yup, i'm smart and i know it! I walked around this farm like i own it! i'm so proud and confident I even pooped with the big ones!
Mom & Mel are brushing the horses while Josh gets the harnesses ready. And daddy's just standing here taking my picture : ) The wagon ride was great supposedly, however i slept in the car where i was safe and comfy.
Yup, they're working hard and having fun! We explored the barn earlier and said hi to all the burgers and steaks that live down stairs. I woulda had me one, but mum held me back.
So instead, i took a bite out of this pretty girl Augusta. She was kinda breathing on me heavy and i had to let her know who was boss. She respects me now.
After the wagon ride, mom & Mel went for a ride and mum said something about wanting to take saint augusta home with us. I guess that means she likes her, but i know not as much as she likes me!
1 comment:
Gotta love the tink perspective pics!
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