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Saturday, September 22, 2007

OBX Pics and Tinker Update

Well, we are back but definitely still on vacation! We didn't take many pictures, we were too busy doing nothing!!! The weather was beautiful, but windy making time of the beach difficult, which was fine for Tink, she preferred solid ground this year!

What is this I smell?

Oh, a bone for me!

This is mine, stay away

Must.... get my bed just right....
(She tried burying that bone in the blanket, it was hysterical to watch)

Where did that darn bone go?

Maddie gets a bone too of course!

Hey, it's sleepy time, leave me be!

Nick and I took both dogs to the Outerbarks store one day and shopped around! Maddie greeted everyone and Tink used her pathetic face to get lots of treats!

We took lots of walks to the sound where we were able to just sit and enjoy God's beauty. Tink enjoyed the walked, but didn't enjoy the burs that sometimes got in her coat.

I've been a little concerned about Tink's overall health for the past few weeks, but i think we're over the hump. She had been shaking a LOT and not eating very well, which is quite unusual for her. She also seemed to loose some of her usual Tinkerness. But on friday she started eating voraciously and overall, appeared to be feeling better--less shaking and more activity. We have been putting a light hoodie on her to keep her warmer.

I did call the vet friday (after she ate a huge breakfast) and we are putting her on a 1/4th tab of baby aspirin 2x daily with meals to see if that decreases the shaking. If it does, that may mean the shaking is pain-related. We'll be in touch with him again next week.

I'm also looking into some acupuncture for her. I know how good it makes me feel and I love Nancy so much, so we'll see how that goes for her over the next few months. I just want to do as much as we can to keep her as pain free (and as naturally) as we can.

So in short, she has had 2 very good days eating and acting like herself, which I am loving!

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