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Friday, November 23, 2007


Tink has certainly been enjoying her holiday break up in MA visiting with Granna and Grandpa. We've been taking it easy and eating like it's our job--of course Tink needed some thanksgiving dinner as well yesterday, so she was not denied : ) We had Thanksgiving at my Aunt Lori's house for the first time in 14 years and everyone was there to enjoy it who was supposed to be there : ) After a fantastic dinner, we all went for a walk. Tink did excellent down the dirt path, over the rocks, and through the wood chips--she's a regular outdoors girl! I do not have any picture's yet, but we will have to take care of that!

I entered a Zoe's Collection contest on the Woof board a few days ago, and we won a pink collar with palm trees on it--now called "tropical treasure." It's the picture currently on Zoe's collection home page! Randi is a complete doll and Tink's collar was personally and quickly made to her measurements! She mailed it out today and should be there soon!!! We will certainly post pictures when we get home!!!

Also, Tink's Woof gift swap is on its way as well! Kacey lives in Alabama and has sent a package to Tink! Tink will be sending her package as soon as we get home. I'm really pleased with all that Tink picked out and made for Kacey! I can't wait to mail it to her!

Tink is currently catching up on her beauty sleep and dinner is almost ready--there has been lots of relaxing and sleeping and eating going on--our kind of vacation!

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