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Sunday, March 09, 2008

A Busy Saturday...

So yesterday morning Tink and I rolled out of bed at 8:15 to get ready for a busy day of fun and friends. We got dressed, walked in the rain and then harnessed up for a little car ride. Tink's happy dance never ceases to help me smile.

Tink, harnessed in with her very cool new paws blanket from Patti!

Our first stop was a nursing home in Camp Hill, where we stopped to visit one of music therapy clients who owned Bostons when he was a kid. Of course every one loved her and we stopped to say hi to many of the residents on the way... We had to wake him up once we got there, but Tink settled right in on his bed while he petted her for 15 minutes or so. She leaned in while he rubbed her back and even took a cookie from his hand (once she managed to find it : ) It certainly seemed like a nice way for him to start his day. One the way out the, girl at the desk shared that she has a boston terrier and of course we had to stop and chit chat about how once you have one you'll always have one.....

Our second stop was another nursing home to visit another music therapy client. Again, we stopped to see home residents along the way. Again, he was a happy camper to pet Tink and to receive a kiss from her as we we left. I also visited his room mate (as we saw him in the hall way) and managed to get a smile and a few rough pets on Tink's head from a generally rather grumpy man : )

At 11, we were on our way to Pawsabilities 2008, an event to help support the Susquehanna Service Dogs. Can i tell you how awesome she was? She walked through the entire farm show complex like she owned the place. Confident and collected, she never snapped at any dog that came into her space and in fact at times went looking for the dog that was in her space originally like "where'd you go? Let's have a talk" kind of thing. We met Chloe, Kristen and Kirk from the WOOF! board on our way in. Chloe is so stinkin adorable and Tink enjoyed her company! Tink also appropriately greeted Lilo and Odie, Tiffany and Ron's 2 BT's.

We walked in and since we were 1 of the first 500 we received a free planet dog 5' lead which is awesome!! We wandered around and saw some people I knew from work. We attended once program on the use of animal assisted interventions for individuals with Autism, by Merope Pavlides. Again, one of my kiddo's and his mom were directly involved with the author of the book, he was on the cover with his service dog. It was a nice overview of the potential of using animals with children with autism.

Tiink and I saw lots of other BT's and had several people come up and ask me where I got my BT. So of course I shared, Tink was from Georgia, but quickly informed them about NEBTR and how we have lots of great dogs that could use great homes. Some people even wrote that down : ) Tink did piddle on the floor once but i blame the two, 4 1/2 month old BT puppies who had pooped nearby. She obviously smelled the poop and thought we were on concrete outside... yah, that's it : )

Tink played the poor pathetic dog at very opportune times, getting many treats and pats. She even tried to nest on the massage lady's dog bed area! At that point she was pretty much telling me she was done, dog tired. So we walked out and got into the car where she was out cold in less than 30 seconds, snoring away with her little eye closed tightly.

Back view of Tink warming up in her blankie : )

We did make one more stop at petsmart- she wasn't too happy as I disturbed her nap, but we needed some more cookies and a can of wet dog food (and Blue is the only kind i'll buy there!) We still had some gift card $ left and we were going right by the exit. She was very grateful for the newman peanut butter treats later on let me tell you!

So after we came home, Tink settled in the back and Tink and I started our car finding adventure. Sigh, we're learning more about cars and car salesman than I ever thought possible. We think the insurance company is going to total nick's truck this week (he was rear ended in an ice storm a few weeks ago--He is completely fine, even his pinky. While the truck is still drivable, the body damage would cost just as much to fix as the truck is worth.) We need a reliable car quickly. We're really looking for a 4 door, manual Honda Civic with less than 100,000 miles. We're also considering similar toyotas, possibly scion if we could find one in our price range or an acura. Maybe a ford focus, possibly another VW jetta...If you know of anything, please let us know : ) And when we got back later that evening tink was still sound asleep on her bed... poor girl was plum worn out!

So that was our busy but very nice Saturday!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Warm Weather!!

Well, the warm weather was here today and we certainly took advantage of it with 3 walks today. We took some paths we haven't taken in a while and Tink was in smell heaven. She stopped and smelled the scenery quite frequently : ) It was so nice to finally have a decent evening for the 3 of us to go walking again... Tink with her little green horse blanket attempting to trip Nick with her extra quick double back movements...Nick doing a little jig to avoid kicking her as a result and me laughing at the whole thing while trying to steer Tink away from the mailboxes and exhaust pipes. Tink had the opportunity to show off her nice paw-dicure from last night while walking as well.

We came home and cooled down with some yummy icecream. Tink would share how she's doing but she is having one heck of a neck scratch after licking out my bowl. She did have to stop acting like a billy goat and sit quietly until i finished. : )

All in all, a wonderful evening : )

Sunday, March 02, 2008

NEBTR Updates

So in an effort to let people know what is going on with the fosters that I am helping to find homes for... here we go.

Timothy found his forever home 2 weeks ago now I believe. A man in the same town he was being fostered in, fell in love with him and adopted him. I love happy endings : )

Tiffany and I are still looking for Cassie's perfect home. We've had a few apps that we've liked but for one reason or another they haven't worked out. Supposedly there are a few more coming through, so hopefully, the right home is out there. If you think you are the right forever home for Cassie, please fill out an app and send it in!

I've recently started helping arrange home checks and eventually I will be helping with arranging transports as well. I've gained such a new respect and appreciation for all a rescue does since I've been more involved in the process. There is sooo much that goes on behind the scenes!
The first HC I arranged is scheduled for today, so hopefully it will go well and Ginger will have a forever home too!
There are so many great dogs in rescues and shelters, if you're considering a dog, please at least consider this option!
We have quite a few dogs that are getting ready for their forever homes, hopefully the next few weeks will be full of home checks and placements!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Vote for Tink, she doesn't stink! (usually : )

Nick and I entered Tink in the Humane Society's SPAY DAY 2008 Contest.
If you're so inclined, please cast a vote for her here
One vote per email address
Contest ends March 7th, 2008

she sure is a cutie!!!!