So once again, much time has slipped by without so much as a post over here. Tinker's social calendar has been somewhat quiet, but will be picking up over the summer with swimming and other fun activities.
A few weeks ago, Tink and I wend over to Kaye Ames to help with a Delta Society animal testing day and we were able to catch up with Louann and Gabe a several other teams that we haven't seen in a while. Tink really had the tough part--sitting there and looking cute : ) It was me who made some noise with the walker/wheel chair and was asked to pet several very friendly and cute dogs (and one cat.)
Father's day weekend we traveled up to MA to visit with my family. It was beautiful weather and all the dogs were around, yet the only camera used was on Nick's new (enV2) cell phone--i'll have to see if i can get him to download the few pics that he took of Tink in the sun!
Tink's back end appears to be a little more sore lately (well, she has more "uncomfortable" days or moments than i like to see)... I did get some "Sore no more" linament from my mom and it does seem to be helping to alleviate some of the pain (along with all the other internal supplements that she's been taking. And hopefully we'll both be to Nancy's for another acupuncture treatment in July too.
She seems happier though lately with the beautiful weather than she has been in the past few months as well. She contentedly wanders the house rather than relentlessly pacing and generally settles in for the night more easily (maybe that's because lately she's been settling in OUR bed rather than HERS : )
Long walks in the evening, marrow bones on sunday afternoons, twistix chewies and hotdog treats while getting her nails clipped have been the pattern lately.
I took Tink out this morning for our usual walk. It was beautiful with the sun shining, a light breeze, no humidity, and only a touch of dew left in the grass. Tink wandered around sniffing so confidently, so content and carefree. She reminded of times when we used to wander daily without looking at the clock so desperately, hurrying to get to the next "thing" on my to-do list. Realizing this made me smile and feel slightly sad all at once. Fortunately, I was able to shed my to-do list and Tink and I were able to wander aimlessly for our walk this morning without me feeling the need to walk a certain distance or get to a certain point. It was quite lovely and aimless. Tink once again reminded me that life is too short to rush through it getting from point A to point B all the time without ever really enjoying the journey. So while it may be someone counterproductive, I am going to give a more concerted effort to take my time outside with her in the beautiful weather and enjoy the beauty that God has given to us in nature and in my darling little boston terrier whose tenacity and steadfastness never ceases to amaze me.