Being an unaltered puppy mill male he has the urge to mark everything. He tried to mark Odie through the baby gate one time; in the crate he went! So Lindsay (she was up visiting for the weekend VERY close by) and I took a trip to petsmart for a belly band and a harness as he loves to pull as well. It was so funny to see him try to mark after the belly band was on him. He would lift his leg in great pleasure and then abruptly put it back down with a "hey, that's not so fun" look on his face.
You can't tell by these pictures, but he loves to jump. He has mastered jumping the baby gate, so i'm not sure what Ron and Tiff are planning for that. He's heading to the vet tomorrow for a check up and then after that he'll be good to mingle in small amounts with her crew.

Gus is a smarty pants. In the short time we were with him, he learned that he if wanted to be pet, he needed to sit not jump all over Nick. (Nick took to the not so little guy very quickly! He did awesome work with him this weekend!) Gus has a big heart and just wants to be with people. He has quite a bit of energy, but i think he's going to settle quite nicely once he's in a routine and figure life out a little more. He scarfs down the chicken and rice quite quickly and has been managing to hold it down without vomiting (he did vomit 3x sat morning before I picked him up.) Sunday morning however, he was acting like he needed to go out. God is so good, I got him out in time as he relieved himself quite explosively. That would have been a mess in Tiff's immaculate kitchen!
Gus is going to make someone a GREAT family dog with some basic obedience and lots of consistency! If your heart and family has a home for this guy please contact NEBTR for an application. There is a link to the website of the side of the blog.
I am so glad that we had an opportunity to help with transport and the initial stages of fostering this weekend. One of these years we will have our own place and will be able to foster our own little guy!
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