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Sunday, December 07, 2008

Bark! The Hairy Angels Sing

Interesting song found in Readers Digest

By: Lanore Skenazy
To the tune: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

"Bark!" the Labradoodles sing.
"Look at us, the latest thing.
Curly hair and tempers mild
Big and small dog reconciled."
"Don't forget us!" call the puggles.
Sharkies yap, "We're best for snuggles."
"Wait a sec!" the mutts proclaim
"Neath our fur, we're all the same.
Hark! Tho' wondrous breeds abound,
Don't forsake the local pound."

Tink's tip of a lifetime:
Save a life~ adopt a pet from your local humane league or breed specific rescue. A little love, trust, and family go a long way!

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