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Thursday, May 14, 2009

It keeps getting better....

...And I honestly mean that. Parker barks less and less and is getting into the routine around here. He jumps into his crate to eat his meals, he quiets down when we leave the room, and has been sleeping through the night without accidents. Now if only we could get him to stop peeing on our fridge or marking the gate.....

We have been blessed with beautiful weather this week as the 4 of us have been adapting and creating a sense of "normalcy." (whatever the heck that is!) Today we were blessed with some rain and it totally didn't faze him at all. He walked like a trooper and then LOVED getting toweled off after wards.

He keeps chewing on one leg of his and I keep checking for any sort of bugs but I can't find any... He acted like both legs might have been bothering him earlier in the evening. He has a vet appointment tomorrow so we'll see what the Doc says. Nick and I think his body is detoxing itself. His right eye was gunky, his nose has had some clear slime coming out of it and it looks like he might molt his dull coat off and grow in a beautiful smooth and shiny one! (But we shall see!) Other than that he's coming along. He has earned the right to sleep on the floor in the living room or computer room when one of us is in there and he konks out sleeping and chilling. And when we put him back in the kitchen he may not be thrilled but he is generally pretty quiet.

Parker is going to make someone a wonderful companion! Maybe it's you..... : )

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