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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Moo-Shoo Shuffle

I was sitting in my first session of the day sharing a silly Moo story, when my kiddo suggested that I video Molly's dance and yodel so she could see it. A brilliant idea I thought! A great way to smile and be silly too! Nick can get Molly to yodel and dance pretty quickly. Fortunately I didn't video tape my vain attempts to get her to dance and sing. Nick looks at her and asks the question and she's ready! Such a daddy's girl. She can be more animated than in this video, but isn't she a cutie?!?! The Moo-Shoo Shuffle : )

1 comment:

karen said...

hee hee, I'm so glad you have little Moo to help you laugh. Its fun to have a sweet little girl around. She is just adorable, I love her sweet face and playful ways! Go Moo!