I took my first nap sans Tinker in years yesterday afternoon. It felt weird and took me longer than usual to actually fall asleep. She had been my cuddle girl for almost 4 years and filled the snuggler/nap friend that Nick has never been. For whatever reason, Nick can not nap. When Tinker entered the picture, that whole Sunday nap dilemma was solved : )
The first 3 weeks we had Tink, I had finished my internship but did not have a job. It was a fabulous 3 weeks of playing and exploring. She literally followed me around the house wherever I went. We explored the neighborhood with her in her little red winter hoodie. She sat on my lap and we posted on Woof! together. We traveled the county together in my car. And best of all, we took afternoon naps. We were at our old apartment in Lancaster and the sun shone in the bedroom mid afternoon. I was in the middle of reading the Chronicles of Narnia and Tink literally laid on my chest while I read until we both fell asleep. It was idyllic. I am actually smiling as I consider these beginnings...
Molly is currently staring at me with a sad little face...i'm not sure what she wants, but my educated guess is more food! Clearly her breakfast, licking my yogurt bowl, and a piece of hot dog is NOT enough! It appears that her belly truly is not a fan of chicken so I've had to come up with some other snacks for her. I decided hot dogs would be a tasty treat (in moderation of course.) I'm clicker training the food monkey and she's doing quite well. Of course we're just in the pairing phase and she loves to eat : )
I found Moo last night curled up on the 1 soft blanket that Tink laid on all last weekend and that hasn't been washed yet. Her little nose was pushed into the fabric. Whether or not she was actually missing Tink, I'll never know, but I took the opportunity to sit on the couch with her and talk about the little Princess and the things the 2 girls used to do together. Molly has been a delight and she continues to blossom even more now that she is an only.
Dr. Haver sent a beautiful yellow rose last Tuesday and it's still here on the table. I was initially upset when I saw it begin to fade but realized that I could buy another rose and another to commemorate the life of Tink for as long as I wanted. And considering that, made all the difference. So if you see a see rose on our dining room table, it is for our Tinker and the life that she lived. The rose will be a symbol of her life and the love that she gave rather than her death. And that thought gives me hope and strength.
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