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Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Caution: Grossness ahead

Sometimes I feel like a little doggy pill and medication dispenser....  Madison had an impacted anal gland that is beginning to abcess, of course.  I was able to get her to a local vet this morning before work (3rd one's a charm) and it's not bad enough that it can be lynched (yuck!) but we are armed with an antibiotic and a pain killer.  We're also putting a hot compress on it.  It's going to blow though, I can see it already.  The vet wants her back friday morning but I think it's going to do it's thing sooner than that (won't that be fun)! AND she has a small tumor type thing on the pink of her eye so we have drops for that too.  Sheesh.

Collectively Molly and Madison currently have more meds/supplements that the local pharmacy!  You should have seen me tonight trying to organize and keep everything straight.  Dogs' names in big letters on boxes, making sure each dog gets what is needed!

On a good note, Molly continues to do well on her end of things.... at least we only have 1 exploding dog at a time...so far.  I was just thinking she is doing really well, but she is thinner than I would like her to be...ah, one of these days we'll get it right.  I'll up her food just a bit.  We've added slippery elm to her diet so hopefully we can keep a handle on this situation.

Another good note, the steam cleaner came today!!!  Is that sad that I'm so excited about it?  It's going to be another main defense in our war against fleas and keep our carpets (and drapes, and furniture, etc) in tip top shape!

Good thing these 2 little ladies are so cute!  Unfortunately it's so cold and flippin' windy that we go out long enough for them to do their business go to the dumpster and back.  We're getting a routine down over here with meals and potty breaks and certainly sleeping on the couch.  Good luck if you want to sit here.  It's pretty much dog only territory (they let me sit here cause I feed them hotdog!)

We shall see what tomorrow brings for Miss Madison and her hiney.....


karen said...

So sorry you are going through so many health issues at one time. You are the Florence Nightengale of doggies! My daughter's boy Rocky has the anal gland issues. Two years ago on Christmas Eve they took him to the evet, she called and said he must have gotten bit, my time on woof paid off, I knew it was an anal gland getting ready to burst. When her husband lifted him onto the table, it burst. He had another one about 1 yr later, it was the last day they were at my house, I called her because I noticed the sore lump forming. I did hot compress and she took him in to be lanced the next day, much easier to heal when it hasn't burst.
When she dropped him off two weeks ago, she noticed a lump forming, I took him to my vet and we did the antibiotics for the week, it did get a lot smaller. So we have also had the gamut of different anal gland issues. I have to have Bogey's expressed every few months, but his have never been impacted.
So exciting for the steam cleaner! I would love one, but I am trying to hold out for tile or pergo thru the house. I hate the carpets.
Kisses to little Molly and Madison. Hugs to you and Nick.

Anonymous said...

Bless you for what you do. Sherri, Peter, Moses, and Zipporah

Unknown said...

You're SUCH good doggie parents!! I know both ladies have other health issues but have you talked to the vet about Capstan or Sentinel?

I SO get being excited about the steam cleaner! I will never live in a house (or apartment) with wall to wall carpet again!

Much love and good wishes..

Nick + Vicki said...

Thanks guys! Sometimes it's hard to have a full time job and take care of these pups! I haven't discussed those meds with my vet Charli. I'm hoping we can be more successful keeping their immune systems up and using other mechanical means (ie: DE).

Yeah, Nick and I plan on no carpets when we buy a house for so many reasons! But for the mean time, the steam cleaner will be a great asset! I'm so glad you still stop by the blog Charli and Sherri!