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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Fall weather

Oh I love the fall!  This cool weather has been a beautiful opportunity for longer walks and watching Ori run around even more like a crazy nut!

We've been calling Ori "squirrely" lately as she loves to pick up acorns, chew them up and spit them out!  Sometimes it's a race to see who can be faster on the draw, O  to grab a nut or me to keep her moving!  She also loves to take off running full tilt down the road and I love watching her love and enjoy life!

Moo is hanging in there, walking, and snuggling with the best of them!  She and O have been snuggly on the couch and the beds lately!  I was brave and left the 2 of them out for 45min while I had a chiropractor appointment on Wednesday morning and when I can home both were on the couch.  I opened the door, 2 heads popped up and then they jumped off to say hi.  I was so proud of them both!  (This is by no means going to be a habit, but I thought I would see for a once in a great while deal.)  They're really good little girls and I love them so : )

Bring on the snuggly down comforter, walking in hoodie with the girls weather!

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