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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Recent Ori Pics

While we've been taking pictures of Joy we've also been taking pictures of Ori Dog.  She is such a cutie but such a brat!  We love her so much.  She's been doing very well adapting and adjusting to having a second dog around for a while.  I also have a new work schedule which all 3 of us ladies are loving!  O's sleeps in bed with us and seems to like the slower wake up that my later start time allows us.  She loves to play ball and be my goofy pal.  I never have to wonder what she wants as she's quick to let us know!

Ori doesn't know this yet, but we're going to take her swimming this summer.  Get the right hot sunday afternoon and we'll meet up with LuAnn and her crew and see how Ori does! 

Everyday at least once, I find Nick or myself saying "I love this dog so much."  It's so reminiscent of Tink and how we felt about her.  Not sure what it is, but this little dog has become such a vital part of our lives.  We can't help but smile with her around even when she is knocking over the trash barrel or talking back because we're taking too long to throw the ball! As my mother says, "good thing she's cute!"  yes, good thing Ori.

1 comment:

Kyla Duffy said...

Awww! How sweet! Glad you've got such a great dog. Hope things are going well. We're currently fostering the dog I call "the foster to end all fosters," but what I probably mean is "the foster to end all fosters...this month." :)