Yes, you read that correctly, little Tinker BARKS!!! like a mad woman!!! I was so shocked i kept her in her crate (she didn't know i was home... hence the barking. I was practicing leaving her in her crate for 30 seconds, then 1 minute...) to see how long she would bark... after 5 minutes i let her know i was home (walked so she could hear me) and she stopped so then i let her out... and she had already peed so i know its nervousness that causes it. but the little monkey can bark...
Tinker in the pen eating the
bone she would not eat while i was gone.
Its funny, as soon as i get home
she ignores me for the bone.....
bone she would not eat while i was gone.
Its funny, as soon as i get home
she ignores me for the bone.....

I also bought rescue remedy, a holistic approach to help take care of stress and anxiety. The lady at the store said 2 other people came in looking for it for their dogs as well... we'll see how it works along with behavioral techniques and a "home of her own." sigh... whoever said the 1st two weeks were the toughest wasn't exactly right in our case.... When i got home i took some of the drops myself (its for people too! don't worry).
She is such a boston terrier thats all i can say.... (and i love her to death for it)
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