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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Finally, pictures of my other coats from Jane

Mum finally got her act together and got some pictures of me in my new outfits....unfortunately she woke me up from a nap so i wasn't too happy with her

This sweater will be perfect to wear around the house in the chilly weather!

Mum says this one will be good for walks in the winter.
I say i don't go for walks in the winter!

Mum Made Me a New Coat!!!

Look what mum sewed together for me this past weekend!! It fits great and it's fleecy fleecy warm!

Gram Rowe bought the fleece as a Christmas gift last year...
good things take time right?

It fits like my horse blankie but is softer and thicker!

It velcros around my front and my belly!

Mum says the colors look great one me!

Another coat to add to my ever growing collection!

Look what we found!

Hi guys, it's me Tink... mum and dad may have an alibi for killing the plants on the balcony... take a look at this guy!

This big guy ate a whole unripe cherry tomato that night!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Little red riding hood

Here is one of the new outfits that Jane so graciously gave to Tink. It's a light hoodie and it fits her to a T!!! I love it and i think she enjoys the little extra warmth too!

This is my back side, what do you think?

I have the head tilt down too, Mum!

take a good look at how good i look!

Posing pretty!

Can I have a cookie now, PuLEASE!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Peanut Butter Face

This is what i think of you cutting my nails, mum

I don't care how good it is, stop cutting my nails!

This isn't fun any more, put the camera and clippers down!

Isn't she the cutest thing ever?!?!?
(note the peanut butter on her chin, ear & face!!)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Our visit with Jane, Otis, and Liza

On our way back to PA from MA we stopped in CT to see a fellow Woofer Jane and her pups Liza and Otis. After a tough beginning we had a wonderful lunch and time talking and sharing!

Here are some pics of Liza and Otis. Otis didn't like Tinker, so we kept them separate, hence no pictures of the pups together.

Liza sitting and smiling

Pretty Liza standing

Otis enjoying the weather

Pretty smile on Otis

Standing together for a picture

Jane and her pups!

Jane and Liza, Me and Tink!!

Jane so graciously gave Tink lots of new clothes to add to her wardrobe as well as a new collar and leash and a mix to make some doggie treats!!! I will post pictures of Tink and her new outfits soon! It was a wonderful morning/afternoon and hopefully we'll get to meet up again sometime in the future!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Taking It Easy

Despite a busy weekend, Tink and her Grandpa still found time to take it easy!

What a cute little face!

Taking it easy!

Tink and her cousins

Well we've had a fine weekend here up at the Thomes' house. Tink's a spunky little girl. I thought she'd cooperate for a nice little photoshoot with baby Jewel and instead she kept trying to bite her. What a little monkey! So here is what we have!

Tink & Baby Jewel

Nick, Tink & Jewel (walking away of course!)

Tink riding Jewel

Tink with Raisin in the background.

It's been a busy weekend but a very nice one. More pictures to follow soon!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I woke up at 1230am and...

....there was a dog in our bed.
fortunately, says nick, it was ours.

I don't know how she manages to do it, but she finds her way in bed probably 4 days out of the week. Last night however, i don't remember picking her up to put her in bed....it's so automatic i don't wake up any more!

Fortunately for all of us, we've adapted and we 2 humans can sleep with her little but huge body in bed with us.

One of my favorite things ever is indeed to snuggle with her, so it all works out!

In other news, we are all ready to make the trip to MA!!! Tinker is ready to be spoiled and to pick on stretch and Nick and i are ready for a few days off work!!!

We've switched Tink over completely now to nature's variety and i must say, i think it's a great change. She gets a raw medallion each night as a snack and the kibble with other tasty treats at meal time. Now she almost demands the medallion before bed and scarfs it down! Her weight is great, her coat is sooo glossy, she's acting great, her poop is perfect, life is good.

We have a play date with Otis and Liza in CT on our way back from MA, so we will have TONS of pictures from that at the very least!!!! Looks like a great weekend ahead!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Smiling Tink

For Gooch and Sophie... very belated tag pictures : )

I had to wait until we came in from our walk in the sweltering heat

One of my favorite pictures of this little one....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Attack of the Tinker Dog!!!!!

He almost didn't make it...it was a close call!
Look at those teeth and the drool (ok, so it's nick's, big deal!!)

You're kidding me, right mum?
all i want is a belly rub and my bed time snack!

Good night all!

Vet Visit

Well, apparently the drama queen is back sleeping, I've taken over the posting for the night.

Tink and i went over to the vet yesterday to check out some "nebulous things" that nick and I weren't sure about. As soon as Dr. Haver saw her he said "wow, look at her coat...she looks like a different dog!" (Tink would have been mortified to go to the vet dirty!) He checked her all over making comments about how wonderful she is (of course!) and gave her a clean and bump free bill of health!!! YAY!!!!

We also dropped some of Miss Tinker's, ummm, finer things in life, for a little looksie and come to find out she has some round worm eggs in her poop! Dr. Haver was almost as surprised as I was! We've been giving her DE (Diatomacious Earth) which is supposed to be a natural wormer...we will be giving this whole worming issue another serious look. blah

anyways, a little pyrantel yesterday and some more for in a few weeks and i guess we're back on track.

We weighed her while we were there....the little porker weighs 15lbs!!! The vet likes her weight so we'll keep her there. It must be all muscle!!! She's carrying it well in anyways!

So overall a good vet visit! onward we go!

They're so mean to me!!!

It waz terrible! The water was warm and the soap was soapy!
I was stuck in da tub with out any grub! (ok, so i did get some tasty snacks..)

They couldn't even git me a decent towel!
I'm pathetic, feel bad for me!

I hate being wet mom! you know it and you do dis anyways!

Dat's it, wipe me down nice and dry!

my ears too, yes, the wash cloth got my head all wet!

I'm tewwibly neeglected!
they even had da nerve to clip my nails afterwards!
Oh the injustice!

mmm, dis iz good!

Daddy made some special corn on da cob and porky the other night and Mum and Dad shared wif me!!!

Daddy always leaves extra kernels for me!

Gib me da cob, i be good, i promise!

mmmmmm, corn lickin good!