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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Vet Visit

Well, apparently the drama queen is back sleeping, I've taken over the posting for the night.

Tink and i went over to the vet yesterday to check out some "nebulous things" that nick and I weren't sure about. As soon as Dr. Haver saw her he said "wow, look at her coat...she looks like a different dog!" (Tink would have been mortified to go to the vet dirty!) He checked her all over making comments about how wonderful she is (of course!) and gave her a clean and bump free bill of health!!! YAY!!!!

We also dropped some of Miss Tinker's, ummm, finer things in life, for a little looksie and come to find out she has some round worm eggs in her poop! Dr. Haver was almost as surprised as I was! We've been giving her DE (Diatomacious Earth) which is supposed to be a natural wormer...we will be giving this whole worming issue another serious look. blah

anyways, a little pyrantel yesterday and some more for in a few weeks and i guess we're back on track.

We weighed her while we were there....the little porker weighs 15lbs!!! The vet likes her weight so we'll keep her there. It must be all muscle!!! She's carrying it well in anyways!

So overall a good vet visit! onward we go!

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