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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tinker and her Great White Cape

So Sunday morning we're running around trying to get out of here on time for church (as usual). I was typing up some invites for my 56 girls and Nick was taking care of Tink related items. We both ended up in the living room to get our shoes on and there was Tink walking around with a white cape! She had been running around the apartment herself. She must have ended up in the middle room amist our laundry drying extravaganza and hooked herself on one of Nick's undershirts right through the arm and head openings. It caught her just right with the length of the shirt clear across her back and she became super Tink for a while! From what I could see of her, I initially thought she was just nesting but upon closer inspection Nick and I both began to laugh our heads off as the information sunk into our brains. Meanwhile she stood there indignant with an expression that wanted to say "will you stop laughing and get this thing off me?!?!"

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