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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday Morning

Parker slept through the night quietly after the dishwasher stopped running. Nick, Tink and I actually just sat in the kitchen area quietly with him for the last 10 min or so of the cycle. His barking sounding differently and he was panicking when we weren't in the room. Frankly, I didn't blame him. So quietly and calmly we stayed in the kitchen. But as soon as we stopped the dishwasher and left, he barked for a little bit and then we heard no more than an occasionally whine until we took him out at 7:30 this morning.

Per Amy's recommendation we started giving him some rescue remedy which I do feel is helping a little bit. He walks on a loose leash after the initial 10 minutes or so, his poops are looking better, his whole body goes in the crate now while we feed him (I even latched the door this morning until he was done,) and he let me spray him with neem oil last night : ) He still barks like a mad man when Tink is wandering around outside the gate. He is very interested in other dogs while we're walking. He has a long neck and usually its down and relaxed while walking, but when he sees something and is interested, he pulls his monstrous head and neck up tall like a giraffe or sea monster or something! Still not sure if I want to place him with someone with another dog or not. I think he would be ok with time. He's not vicious, I just don't know if he would ever leave the other dog alone.... Of course when the right app comes in we'll just know it : )

Tink looks like a little sausage compared to Parker's lean body. I do need to cut her back just a hair. I joke and tell her that I'm going to give her rations to Parker and she usually sniffs or snorts appropriately and then I have to apologize and say "you're right, that would be mean." But I still say it.

Someone is getting a lot of exercise out of this deal...Parker gets a good amount and Tink's been going on longer and of course they don't go together.... so Nick or I get double duty if the other isn't around. This morning it's me! almost a full hour of walking. Which is nice as the weather is beautiful.

And it's getting late and I need to run. I took pics yesterday and will post them later this evening

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