So Tink's been enjoying the rest and relaxation down here very much. However, her tummy is not enjoying the vacation quite as much... She's acting ok, but let's just say her stools are loosy goosy and dangerously urgent.
Kristin and I took a drive to Food Lion tonight to pick up some pedialyte, pumpkin and bottled water. I totally should have gotten the bottled water at the BEGINNING of the week but here we are. The rice is cooking, the ground turkey is all cooked up, and some pedialyte is in her system already. Of course there was no real canned pumpkin, so we picked up some baby food squash, hoping that will help her out.
Sigh, we went for a nice long walk this morning around the immediate neighborhood here. Tink saw lots of sound side lots that she shared she would love to make her summertime home in! Maybe some day Miss Tink : ) Until then we'll have to rent our home of choice during our vacation weeks.
Alright Tink, let's kick the crud once and for all now : )
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