Case in point...I get tired of walking the 2 dogs separately all the time. Last night I thought I might "cheat" a little and take them together. We went out back in the field and such on a "safe" route where we wouldn't encounter any dogs and we could hang out in the grass and take it easy. Aside from the minor intricacies of walking a blind dog and a space cadet together, we were doing ok. We were on our way back when the loud obnoxious Min-Pin from across the street came bombing at us barking with his hair raised up...
Yeah, so I began to freak out...and then began yelling bloody murder for someone to get this dog off my dogs. The Min-Pin was in our faces and went after Parker and then he saw Tink. As he headed her way, I thought I was going to really lose it! Oh, it was quite the scene. I had visions of Parker killing the Min-Pin. There was no way I was going to get in the middle if anything came down. I thought of kicking, but with my two so close there was no guarantee who I'd actually hit.
Fortunately I have a strong set of lungs and people from across the street came running and got the dang dog off us. Apparently they thought I was hurt as they kept asking "are you ok... are you sure?" Ha, or maybe they thought I was just plain crazy...or some of both.
All this because I was trying to save a bit of time and energy....definitely didn't save either when it was all said and done! Parker is a good boy, he just requires a bit more energy than Miss Tink. He's making huge strides; he's only been with us for 6 weeks. I have high hopes for him!
So the moral of the story is: walk one dog at a time and carry a big stick : )
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