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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tinker and the Broken Lamp

So Miss Tink continues to do very well. She's happy and eating well and looking great and going for some nice walks.

She usually gets up in the middle of the night and I pick her up and put her in bed. A few nights ago, around 1 am, I heard her stir. Rather than get out of bed, I figured I would wait until she came back around to her bed and pick her up. Bad thought process. She hit my nightstand and knocked the lamp off it, shattering the top part of it. In my sleepy stupor while I'm cleaning up the glass, I told her she needed to find a job to pay for it : ) (Nick in his infinite wisdom, decided not to comment at that particular moment.)

We cleaned it up, put her in bed and then fell back to sleep....

We decided Tink would be best suited as a cookie taster or carpet shampoo-er.

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