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Sunday, February 07, 2010

The Joys of Snow....

....the pains of potty training.  So this nice storm dropped over 2 feet of snow on us in our little town Friday night into Saturday.  I don't think I've seen a storm quite like this in PA in the 9 years I've lived here.  I grew up getting snow like this in Massachusetts (oh the snow forts, snow men, snow creatures we used to make!) but this was pretty cool down here until I helped shovel out the cars.  Two feet of light and fluffy snow isn't light and fluffy on a shovel : )  I couldn't let Nick clear them out by himself on his birthday though!

As you can imagine, the snow fall was so great that the snow towers over the girls walking down the snow blown paths.  The piles of snow pushed by the snow plows are huge!  Finding grass for the girls is a distant dream but overall they're learning to adapt, somewhat.  We have a small area out back shoveled out and Molly, who is all business, does her business right away and comes inside.  Ori has taken a different approach.  She does a little piddle and then comes inside to finish her business, it's too cold out there for her!  It's not from a lack of trying on our part though.  All 4 of us bundled up yesterday evening and went for a walk around the apartments and Ori managed to escape doing anything important...lol.  She saved it for the carpet, again.  Moo, due to habit, wanted to get into the front yard and literally jumped into the snow in an effort to do her business in her usual spot.  She quickly changed her mind and found a less snow covered place.  It was funny to watch though!

Today is already a better day, Ori actually pooped outside this morning--go Ori!  She'll get the hang of it, we're getting the hang of it and learning even more about her body language and routine. W've started gating her in the kitchen if either 1 of us can't watch her for more than 1 second.  We'll get there. I also had the 2 girls snuggled in bed with me for a few hours this morning....what a wonderful way to spend 2 hours! 

Yesterday Nick taught Ori to jump up on the couch.  She loves that squeaky stuffy and before she knew it she was up on the couch following it a few times yesterday.  Later that evening she just jumped up when she wanted to sleep on the couch...  She also jumped up on the bed to get the stuffy but still doesn't do that one on a consistent basis (I'm ok with that!)

I don't know how quickly the trilostane works, but it seemed that Molly was more Molly like yesterday and less ravenous already.  She slept in bed with me until 9am too....  Nick and I were both pretty impressed with her mood and behavior yesterday after 1 half dose.  We'll see how she does this week.

We must have tuckered Ori out playing so much in the house yesterday because she is already sleeping with Moo on the couch with us.  Hey, it's hard work being a puppy!

I don't have any pictures of the girls in the snow, but we hope to remedy that situation today.  Hopefully some pictures to follow soon!

1 comment:

karen said...

All that snow, what a nightmare. I don't know how I would cope with that and my three dogs. They hate to go out in the rain! My southern dogs love the heat and dry weather. Bless you all for coping with this.