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Friday, April 09, 2010

Ori's Spay

Ori went in for her spay today.  It ended up being a longer ordeal than expected, but she is doing well and will recover just fine.  I brought her in this morning and the techs fell in love with her right away.  Ori cantered around the clinic with them and even tried to get a hold of a grinch stuffy that was behind the desk : )  All her preop blood work came back fine and early afternoon I received a call saying she was out of surgery. 
We knew she had 1 mammary tumor that needed to be removed.  In addition to that tumor a second one was found when she was opened up.  I guess it was pretty rough on the inside of Ori.  Lots of adhesions and scar tissue from previous surgeries (C- sections presumably.)  It looks like she popped out litter after litter of puppies in her 4 short years.  As if that wasn't enough, there was a hernia that the doctor was able to repair as well.  So in addition to losing a leg, O is now short a nipple too : )  Good thing she doesn't need it any more!!!
I was listening to the vet tech on the phone and I am so grateful that O is going to do just fine.  I hate how a puppy mill is run.  My poor little girl suffered so someone could make money off her and her puppies.  People can be so sick and twisted...

I was able to pick O up earlier than expected and as they brought her out to me, she looked so out of it!  Her jowls were extra droopy and when the tech finally let me hold her she fell asleep again in my arms.  She couldn't quite seem to get comfy on the car ride home.  She wobbled enough in the grass to pee and then before she would settle on the couch for me she peed on the carpet.  I let her finish there so she could rest again!  She was and is still so drowsy that she hasn't eaten or drank anything yet today.  I was able to give her just a tiny bit of water when she perked up just a few minutes ago and now she is back to snoozin' on the couch.

As I was getting ready last night for her ride over this morning, I pulled out Tink's "snow puppy princess blanket" as Nick and I like to call it.  It is a handmade fleece blanket that a dear friend and Woofer made for Tink as a beautiful gift several years ago.  I stood in the doorway of the linen closet last night and stared at the blanket that I haven't been able to pull out for 6 months.  While I was standing there thinking of all the occasions Tink used this blanket, I decided that Ori needed that special blanket on her surgery day.  So I took the snow puppy princess blanket out of hiding.  Ori had it with her in the car and all day at the vets and now she's snuggled up on it on the couch.  It seemed fitting and beautifully sad...

So here we are, ready to recover.  We will do our best to keep her quiet for the next week or so, but we all know how that goes with Miss O... : )

1 comment:

karen said...

Vicki, the snow puppy princess blanket part has me in tears. I know Tink would have wanted O to use it. How heartbreaking but yet cathartic to be able to use it again. Bless you and Nick and the girls. Angels surround all of you.