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Sunday, May 16, 2010

The many faces of Moo

I love this little girl.  Here are some pictures of the many beautiful faces of the darling Molly Wigglesbottom!  She definitely has a photogenic side which I'm glad we found this weekend!

Oh please, I'm too shy...

Enjoying the sunshine

Give me a cookie or else look : )

 Profile shot

so sweetly interested in what's in your hand look

dejected.  no cookie for me

lizard lips.

Yes, I love this girl.  I think she has finally made our family her family.  She now wants to be a part of the things we do.  I think she truly loves us completely and understands that we love her and will always love her.  Looking back, it's been an interesting process with her as she isn't always the cuddly snuggly type.  I am so glad that she is part of our family. 
I was thinking of her life as I was bathing Moo this evening.  What one family viewed as a burden, another family now views as treasure, which she always has been.  I think she feels better now, despite her medical stuff, she feels the love and care.   She is patient with me as I gently bathe her and get her squeaky clean again.  She's a funny little gem and fits beautifully in our family. 

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