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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Gluttony, the almost deadly sin

Last Sunday, we gave the girls chew snacks which we do fairly regularly around here.  Ori was given a flossie and Molly was given a bully.  Somewhere, fairly early on, the girls switched and I honestly didn't think anything of it.  We kept an eye on them like we usually do.  Ori typically chews and pulls bit by bit and doesn't make big chunks.  Molly likes to make a big part soft and then chew it off.  Well this flossie apparently was really good.  At one point Nick said to me we need to watch Molly she's getting really aggressive with the flossy.  So I went over and looked at it.  She still had most of the 6-7 inch flossie so I said we'll just keep an eye and pull it in a bit.  Well, Molly decided she was going to shove 3 1/2 inches worth of flossy down her throat. 

As you can imagine, she was gagging and foaming and trying to get the flossie back up but trying to get it back down too.  Nick grabbed some gloves and we tried to stick our hands down her through to grab it (we could feel it, but couldn't get a good hold of it.)  We put her in the kitchen as she was gagging up foam.  I called every NEBTR person that I thought could help us out.  (at this point she was still breathing on her own and was acting ok as far as breathing and movements were concerned.  Nick kept moving his hands in front of her face to make sure she was responsive.)  Ginny answered her phone and explained what was going on.  She talked us through and said if we had any concerns to take her to the e-vet.

Moo finally got it down far enough that she stopped gagging.  She laid down on the floor in the living room and Nick hovered over her like a Mama duck.   She wasn't comfortable and she kept sitting up then laying down again.  Finally about 10 minutes after she laid down, we got her up and she walked over to the dining room.  She started to hack it up again.  Nick picked up Ori and Moo proceeded to make a mess.  The flossie FINALLY came back up and Nick yells to me "Pick up the flossie!!"  So I grab the grossest, slimiest flossie every and run it to the trash.  Blah!  Moo instantly felt and acted better (and looked for the flossie to try and shove it back down her throat.)

Part of us really thought we were going to loose Moo over this.  If she stopped breathing there would be no way we could get her to the vet in time.  Fortunately it didn't come to that.  Next time though we'll have hydrogen peroxide handy to aid in the removal of the flossie.

2 morals I learned from this experience:  1) Don't give Molly a flossy and 2) be the 1 to hold the other dog so you don't have to pick up the grossness!

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