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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Recent Ori Pics

While we've been taking pictures of Joy we've also been taking pictures of Ori Dog.  She is such a cutie but such a brat!  We love her so much.  She's been doing very well adapting and adjusting to having a second dog around for a while.  I also have a new work schedule which all 3 of us ladies are loving!  O's sleeps in bed with us and seems to like the slower wake up that my later start time allows us.  She loves to play ball and be my goofy pal.  I never have to wonder what she wants as she's quick to let us know!

Ori doesn't know this yet, but we're going to take her swimming this summer.  Get the right hot sunday afternoon and we'll meet up with LuAnn and her crew and see how Ori does! 

Everyday at least once, I find Nick or myself saying "I love this dog so much."  It's so reminiscent of Tink and how we felt about her.  Not sure what it is, but this little dog has become such a vital part of our lives.  We can't help but smile with her around even when she is knocking over the trash barrel or talking back because we're taking too long to throw the ball! As my mother says, "good thing she's cute!"  yes, good thing Ori.

First email post: Joy Update 6-19-2011

Joy has had a fabulous first week and a 1/2 here in the Rowe house!  She and Ori are getting along just fine.  We stopped gating Joy last weekend and the two of them are great.  O keeps trying to get Joy to play but so far, not much luck. We couldn't find the girls yesterday night...they were both snuggled up in Ori's crate!  It was past their bedtime I guess! It's hard to believe it's been less than 2 weeks as she fits the routine so fabulously already.

Joy was at the vet on Monday; overall positive news.  Both patellas are fine.  Her front left leg looks like either she was born like that or the radius grew longer than is should have when she was a puppy or there was a fracture along her wrist a while back. (she called it an "angular limb deformity") There was no indication of anything "crunchy" or recent trauma according to Dr. Ford.  Everything appeared to be healed and Joy did not indicate any pain.  She was such a good girl at the vet.  People doted on her saying how cute she is and of course I told them about NEBTR and to fill out an application if they were serious about her.

The largest area of concern is the ulcer on her right eye.  It looks like an ulcer but didn't stain like a classic ulcer would.  So we've treating it with an antibiotic drop and eye lubricant drops for the past week.  No major changes in the eye but Joy is a heck of a lot better about me putting drops in her eye now than she was the first few days.  She hasn't been squinting or tearing up so as of now, she doesn't appear to be in pain.  We're trying to treat in just in case it happened recently and to see if it can heal over any better.  I am going to call the vet early this week to see if there are any other options to heal the eye any more.

At a stout 29lbs at the vet.  We're hoping to help "tubby" lose at least 4-5 pounds!

She's just been a great joy around here.  Ori and she have been good buds.  The right home is out there for her somewhere!  Fill out an app if you're interested!  We just finished her petfinder app.  It will be posted soon!  

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Meet Joy- our newest foster!

Joy is here safe and sound!  She's an 8 year old owner surrender from the York SPCA.  She was apparently surrendered twice now and was originally a mill girl.  Poor girl can't seem to get a break.  She is fluffy to say the least but is definitely living up to her name since she arrived (A whole 2 hrs ago).  She knows her name so we'll be keeping it for sure.  She and O briefly said hello through the gate and everything was ok.  Nick and I just got back from walking the girls and no issues so far there.  She walked well and has been doing her business outside like she's housebroken.  We're hopeful!

We are taking things slowly and not looking to integrate the 2 any time soon.  Joy is quiet and seems fairly content in the kitchen.  If my gut is right I think the girls will leave each other alone.  Not testing that theory yet.  She is a wiggly girl.  She loves people and she already rolls over for belly rubs!

The shelter vaccinated the heck out of her just before they released her to Nick (He picked her up on his way home from work.)  I have the detox supplement that I used for O last year and I've already started giving that to her to help move everything out of her system.

Our plan is to make a vet appt for her as soon as possible since there was talk from the last owner surrender of broken bones and/or patella issues.  She seems to be walking ok, but I don't want to mess around with potential broken bones (I don't understand that story but that's another discussion.)  Hopefully we can get her in on Monday when I have the day off.

She's quite the sweetie.  She's been resting in the kitchen quite comfortably.  I didn't realize how much I missed the fostering scene.  Either that or our break was much needed and now we're ready for another adventure!  Either way, I'm hopeful we can help this little one find her way to her permanent home for good this time : )

Monday, June 06, 2011

It's tough being Ori...

 After a marrow bone for lunch, O's been sacked out on the couch sleeping her heart out!

 Not time for another walk mom...

It's hard work being cute!

Are you done with the flashy thing?

 Pretty girl

Love this dog!!!

Vintage BT Fun!

So while Ori was wrapping her Auntie Christina and Uncle Ben around her little paws (thank you!!!) Nick and I were canvasing Adamstown PA for vintage BT pieces.... 2 days of searching and discovering!  We took the opportunity to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary at a cute little B & B and a weekend to relax and shop.  Adamstown has a HUGE number of stores...after a while everything started to look the same...

We found 2 miniatures.  The first one is a cast iron and looks like a Hubley "party favor" size.  I'm not sure if it was repainted or not, but we like it : )

This is the set that started it all Saturday morning.  I googled them and they look like Hagen Renaker DOG Figurines which were started in the 50's.  The puppy's last year of production was 1986 and the mother dog is still being manufactured today.  We think they're adorable!

Lots of fun searching.  I decided I want to find BT salt and pepper shakers, but despite all our hunting we weren't successful this weekend.  We'll have to search locally in the coming weeks and if all else fails we'll find some on-line....not quite as much fun, but it will do : )  A beautiful weekend with my hunny and some fun little mementos too!