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Saturday, January 28, 2006

The White Elephant (or a Good Ole Yankee Gift Swap)

So 5 of us young married couples from Etown got together last night for a time of food and a gift swap. And i didn't want to leave the little girl in her crate all evening to be in it all night. Well Leanne and Peter were gracious and said Tinker could come. Now i KNOW that i said we wouldn't be bringing her places the first week, but she is sooooooooo good and likes going places with mom. So anyways, there were 10 of us and we were eating and playing games and being normal young people and she either slept on my lap or quietly visiting people to see who was there. No begging, she wasn't nervous or anything. a complete love. Which was awesome to see. So i got to thoroughly enjoy the evening and not have to worry about my little baby.

She was soooo excited to get home though. You should see her when she climbs those stairs and is back in HER living room. She dances around and snorts a little and is just a very happy and animated girl.

You should have seen her last night when we got home. She was all excited until her crate moved into the bedroom... when she realized it was there, she got really stiff and unhappy. So as usual, i put her on the bed for a few minutes (to help her warm up from her potty walk) and she snuggles down so quickly and still manages to give daddy the eye "can i stay please?!??! i'll be really good, i promise!!!) Hehe, but she knows the rules and still gives daddy a hard time getting in her crate a few minutes later. But she always gets a treat for going into her crate. And then of course at 730 the next morning she goes out and comes in to cuddle with mommy. I think she may like sleep better than food, because i had to wake her up at 845 to give her breakfast!

Knock on wood.... no accidents in the house for 3 days straight ; ) We're staying in today... we'll see how she is with the vacuum. Hehe, love this munchkin... i can't believe its only been a week today that we adopted her.... happy 1 week! haha ok, thats enough : )

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