Hello everyone, its Tinker. I've decided to run the blog by myself now. Mom and Dad are pretty slow and as a result, i have a few posts that i need to take care of soon!
Let me tell you i had a great weekend in the middle of no where! lots of grass and sleep and walks and food!! we were outside ALL day! it was great! and lots of people to cuddle with me and pet me, it was the life! Dad says its the little town of Hartletown in Mifflinburg County, wherever the heck that is!

Me, Mum, and Alicia on a walk to the creek. I'm leading the way as usual!

i didn't like the water very much at the creek,
but can you see that beautiful shine on my coat?!?!

I made my rounds snuggling with lots of people!
This is me with Lisa

And me with my Grandma Rowe

And me with Anita relaxing of course! I also napped with Nana, Alicia and Liz, although my photographers let me down as there is no proof!
And me with Maddie and Lucy, the other dogs that were there this weekend. We got along ok, but i still prefer my people!

The beginning of a LONG walk that we took, but mom and dad both say that i was a trooper and did a great job!! up and down hills over rocks, moss and sticks! it was super exciting! I came back and curled up next to the camp fire for the rest of the night!

mum and I couldn't miss the photo-op to sit on the 4-wheeler!

It got kinda warm out so we hung out inside the trailer for a lil bit. I had a nice time relaxing with the kids while mum and dad played cribbage.

I made some friends!! if you look at the end of the stick there's a toad friend!

We think it's a dung beetle. apparently they only live in africa but this lil guy looks like a beetle rolling a piece of well, dung. so that makes it a dung beetle. Well, he WAS a dung beetle until i stepped on him!

Life at the cabin, isn't it great?!?! sleeping is what i do best! I got to sleep as much as i wanted to in the grass, in the sun, in the shade, with some friends! sigh, what a great weekend!