Hi guys, its me, my mum and dad are celebarating thare annaversary this weekend, whatever the heck that is! It's nice though, because i had a nibble of chinese food last night (although i was a little more gassy than normal....), my own personal pancake this morning and I bet there is more to come!
The weather finally broke so now its cooler out and I can handle longer walks again. Its tough having a short nose!
oh, ya, i almost forgot, pictures of the day before Plato's parents got married, Matt & Amanda. I was allowed to come and it was fun! this was memorial day weekend...thursday and friday night that is. It was nice, on friday night i got to spend time with Auntie Lindsay! we had lots of fun on Etown campus! And then i wasn't stuck in my crate ALL day! my mum and dad love me very much!

me meeting Ginger, the flower girl...she was a little to friendly for my personal taste

We love to pose!

I was hitting up the dance floor!

And of course, the real highlight, Matt & Amanda practicing their vows
Hehe, a few nights ago there was a thunder storm and mum put me in bed around 1230 for a little bit (and she fell right to sleep so i did too... no shaking for me!). But the next night or two, there was another storm, kinda rainy so i got to spend some time in bed AGAIN! And mum fell asleep for the night!! She said she woke up around 230 and then I had to go to my own bed, but man, they're getting soft! (i'm not complaining!)
So thats the deal, i'll update some more when mum and dad aren't hogging, the computer. Although they did say something about going wireless, so maybe i'll be posting from my bed instead of my office some time soon!