Well it was quite the weekend i must say, but we topped it off with a nice relaxing afternoon at granny & papa's pool. Mum & I stayed in the shade but it was warm, so we headed to the shade at the edge of the pool... and slowly made it into the water. Mum was very patient and didn't rush me so it actually was kinda nice to cool off! She never let me out of her arms so i never felt unsafe.

I'm working on my doggie paddle!

We sat over on the steps (seen in this pic) for a while which was nice and relaxing : ) Then mum got a little adventuresome so we went wandering... After our pool escursion i let mum know i had enough so she towelled me off and we sat in the shade, and true to form, i napped : )
After the pool and outside fun we went inside and had some great eats! I even got some yummy meat and carrots and of course home-made cherry vanilla icecream! Then i took a nap next to mum while everyone chit-chatted.
Before I go for the evening i'd just like to thank my Godmamma for her kind words and support. (and for noticing what a sleek looking girl i've become!) Mum, Dad, & I have really appreciated all thats been said to us over the past half year and this weekend. So thank you, our smiles are just a little bigger & brighter as a result.
I'm out, time for more naps! A face as beautiful as mine doesn't happen in 20 short minutes! It takes time and dedication to the art of beauty sleep!