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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ways Molly Makes Us Smile/Laugh

Molly doesn't like it when I cry. Unfortunately I've been crying a lot lately. When I do, she pins her little ears back and just sits there looking pathetic. When I come down to her level and talk to her, she jumps around and does everything she can to help me laugh and smile. Last night she was jumping around like a mexican jumping bean, right in between Nick and me as we were sitting on the floor facing each other.

Top ways Moo helps us laugh and smile:
  • She drools and quivers when she REALLY wants whatever we're eating
  • She's directionally challenged. She still goes to a door we don't live at at least once a day. When I open the right door, she's like "oh yeah, I knew that..."
  • Her butt wiggle and yodel when she feels like she deserves food!
  • Her goofy personality and expressions
  • How she likes to lie behind blankets with her nose covered
  • She plops herself in front of you, back to you, but touching you, waiting for some good rubbin' and love!
  • She still occasionally waddles...
  • And finally, for tonight, we never know what she is going to do or find around the house to amuse herself....

I had been hole punching a bunch of stuff for school and obviously didn't clean up every single last one... Molly was scrounging around for food as usual and when she looked up, this is what Nick found. Of course we had to take her picture before we removed her little pig nose! She's just a little early for Howloween, but what a great pig impersonation! Yeah, we definitely laughed over this one.....oh miss moo, or shall we say, miss piggy?

1 comment:

karen said...

When I saw that picture I was thinking "What the heck does she have on her nose?"
Too cute and funny. I can tell how sweet and funny she is thru your words and pictures. I'm more sure than ever that she is an angel sent by and watched by sweet Miss Tink. How wonderful that you have this sweet, funny dog in your lives. I love reading your blog, keep up the wonderful stories.