I've been meaning to post about how wonderful it's been having Molly around. How cuddling and affectionate she's become. How she has integrated so beautifully into our little family. How she has changed and continues to change into a dog who not only receives love but gives love. I've been meaning to and want to and will continue to share all these beautiful little moments as they come and become our life.
My mind has been torn today though.
I had two online conversations today about my little Tink which had kinda set me into a tailspin and a time of deep thoughts and feelings. I've had 2 separate people share very different personal thoughts and feelings, yet both tracing back to Tink and the life she lived and the legacy she continues to leave. It's not that the conversations were bad, it's just they reminded me and have stirred up thoughts and emotions so deep and heavy that I have only realized today they have been set aside for some time.
My heart aches for her tonight and I could not sleep without putting a reminder out there for those of you with little heart dogs in your arms and laps tonight to please kiss them for me tonight, whisper in their ears, feel how soft their heads are on your cheek... love them extra tight.
And we will make sure Molly gets an extra dose of love and affection over here tonight as well knowing that the thought of her darling sister is never very far from my mind...

Thank you, Vicki, for reminding me not to take my little ones for granted. (Ever) My thoughts and prayers are with you often...
Sherri, Moses, and Zipporah from California
Vicki, I read this last night and again this morning. and cried both times. Somehow you always touch my heart. I was reminded about telling you about sweet Molly sleeping in my arms, I hugged and petted her and kissed her tiny head. It was too sweet to get up and do chores. We all need those moments of grace to get through the day.
I'm so glad your Molly is getting to be more cuddly with you and Nick. It is so easy to love a loving dog.
Hugs to all of you, thanks for reminding me of the little things to be thankful for.
thank you both for your thoughts, kind words, and support... and for loving your pups better than anyone else could.
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