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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Motivating Ori

We haven't taught Ori to go up stairs yet.  We've tried a little on the top few stairs but not being food motivated, she didn't see the need to try to get the hotdog especially when she knew we would pick her up.  I was thinking about that this morning as I was taking her outside and she is bounding up and down and going up the concrete stairs to another apartment building.  We're learning that Ori's commodity is puppy her stuffed animal.  We just reach for it and she gets all excited!  She plays and plays and plays with this puppy shaking her silly little head beating puppy back and forth.  The lighbulb went off this evening:  let's use puppy to motivate her to use the stairs.  She hasn't mastered the stairs in any way yet, but she has actually bounded up the top few stairs on her own with puppy teasing her.  She then grabbed puppy and chewed on him all the way into the apartment.

We're not sure if Ori will ever learn to go down our apartment stairs though.  She's too top heavy and our stairs are too narrow.  We'll start on the wider longer steps that we have around the apartments and see where we go from there.

Ori is certainly in heat and now we're coming to terms with what that means....it hasn't been too bad.  Fortunately there are a few very experienced and responsible breeders with the rescue who have been helping and giving great suggestions to help us through the process.  Always a learning experience with fostering.  Always.

She's still not eating consistently.  Some days she eats breakfast but then won't eat dinner.  Other days it's dinner she eats after she's snubbed breakfast.  As long as she eats 1 meal a day, I'm ok with that.  It does kill me that she turns her nose up to my home cookin' though!  If only she could get some calories and nutrition through puppy she'd be more than good!  She has a waist line now though and she's acting and looking just fine so...1 day at a time!  It still feels weird to have a fussy eater with Moo around though!

The detox supplements came today and we're going to start both girls on the thuja and ori on the vaccine detox this evening.  Hopefully we can rid Ori of any lingering vaccination side effects.

It always amazes me at how adding another dog to our life alters the routine of the house.  It doesn't take very long to get back into the routine, but it definitely changes it a bit.  We're finally reestablishing the routine and as a result Ori is peeing less in the house and I can actually sit down for more than 5 minutes...although sitting long enough to eat dinner is still not consistent.  Ori's a fabulous snuggler and I love it when she finally settles.  She prefers to lay on top of me, some how touching me.  She's so stinkin' cute!

I think it's puppy playing time as soon as Nick gets home and Ori wakes up!


karen said...

I'm so glad Ori is fitting into your home. She looks like such a sweet girl. I stuff kongs and freeze them, the dogs only get them at dinner time, we have no begging at the table! So nice to sit and eat with out dog eyes watching. Maybe something like that could work for you? I use plain yogurt, cheerios, banana, and a tiny bit of peanut butter. I have 7 kongs, I stuff them and freeze them. I put towels on the carpet,but haven't had luck in keeping them on the towels. It does melt and get a bit messy.
It's all about being flexible, sounds like you have that and tons of patience.
Have a great rest of the week.

Nick + Vicki said...

I guess I wasn't clear with that part of the post. It's not that she's begging, it's that she has a tendency to pee still so I can't sit to enjoy a meal because I'm picking up pee!

We have our own small hoard of kongs over here and we too freeze them with yummy goodness in them. Molly loves them and basically demands them when we're leaving. Ori doesn't finish hers in an entire day...again just not that into food...hopefully that will change!

Oh and Molly knows to stay on a blanket with certain items like a frozen marrow bone, it saves a lot of clean up time!