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Monday, August 02, 2010

Bed Time Routine

We do our best to maintain some semblance of routine around here.  Ori is doing better in so many regards that we can flex that routine around and she is fine (aka: no accidents!)  Evening routine though is pretty standard-- except for 2 nights ago!

Nick took the girls out for bed time potty then came it to give them their bed time snack.  At that point O boogies down the hall and usually jumps up into our bed as if she is staying the entire night.  Molly hangs around the kitchen in hopes of another turkey meatball.  2 nights ago Nick watched Ori run down the hall and take a right towards the crates instead of jumping up into bed.  When we get back to bed, Ori has stolen the crate that Molly usually climbs into to sleep.  Molly goes to go to sleep and is stopped in her tracks.  She looks up at Nick as if to say "hey dad, the brat's in my crate, help me out here!"  She then wandered around the room and kept returning to the crate O was laying in 3 or 4 times.  Ori definitely wasn't moving and Moo didn't know what to do as her routine was now messed up!  At 1 point it looked like Molly was ready to step over Ori into the crate but she decided against it.  Molly finally decided she was jumping up into our bed for some rest since O had stolen her sleeping quarters.  It was a Saturday night so she got to stay!  Moo snuggled up against me and was a good girl all night long!

Ori slept in the crate until 2am (with door hanging wide open!) when Nick got up to use the bathroom.  She jumped up into in his spot and surprised him upon his return : )  2  snuggly little doggies in bed helped me to be 1 happy little girl!

So yeah- for those who think crate training is mean and cruel- I beg you to argue with my 2 who will steal the others crate at night for sleep!  They practically kick me out of the house in the morning to get their kongs and they sleep peacefully all night long in them as needed!  The crates are definitely their dens and they don't mind them at all : )  Of course we always seem to get the best little dogs in the entire world, so maybe that's it!  Regardless, Nick and I had a fabulous laugh at the 2 of them Saturday evening!

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