We've learned a few things about Iggy already (ok, a lot more than that, but still)
1- he loves to chew!!! the dining room looks like a bone graveyard. He's taken all the bones out of the bin and dumped them all over!
2- he loves to eat!!! dinner, cookies, cherios, they're all good
3- He loves scratches and rubs, particularly butt rubs
4-if he can get a scratch while chewing on a bone he has scored big time!
5- He really likes Nick!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Cleaning Lady
Iggy is here : )
So Christina and I picked up Iggy in Lancaster this morning. As my first time getting an owner surrender and a foster in general, I was pretty nervous and not sure what to expect. The owner called and let me know she was running late before she even left and pushed the time back an hour. We met at a Petsmart and Iggy greeted us with a few licks and a wiggly butt. The lady give us mixed signals crying and saying she was sad to see him go, but then sharing how she would honestly forget about him and shared that she didn't like the doggy things that he does. We got the feeling that the kids most likely didn't leave him alone or give him any peace. He hopped right into his crate in my car but proceeded to cry/whine for a good portion of the ride home--until he covered himself up with a blanket and took a nap!
Iggy's a pretty big boy probably right around 25 lbs--he makes Tink look very tiny at 15lbs! He's well mannered for the most part-- knows how to sit, comes when called (and when he doesn't I know he's found something good, like Tink's kong) and is very content to chew on a bone. He chewed on bones for the first 2 hrs he was here! He immediately found the toy box and took every bone out he could. He has yet to put them away!
He did show some aggression when Tink literally bumped into him, he continued to growl and become quite possessive of the bone. He did this twice and lost the bone both times and earned a time out both times. He has since then let me touch him while chewing and brought a bone over to chew in my lap. He responds well to verbal praises and cherios and I think it's only a matter of time before he realizes I'm not going to take everything away from him.
He's a smart boy who went right to the door after we came home and immediately pooped outside! He and Tink said brief hellos (she licked him!) but for the most part could care less that the other is around. He has since learned (in a few short hours) that if he wants to go outside, all he needs to do is do stand by the door.... hmm, we'll have to work on that one. I'm thinking of bell training.
Aside from his age of 9 he shouldn't be too much of a challenge to place. He's active but not outrageous, inquisitive but fairly polite. I think a family with an older kid or no kids at all would be lovely! Of course this is all day one, I am well sure that things can and probably will change a bit as he becomes more comfortable!
I'll post pics later. I'm currently trying to take a break, but Iggy has finished his nap and has decided that he wants to do something...not sure what apparently!
Iggy's a pretty big boy probably right around 25 lbs--he makes Tink look very tiny at 15lbs! He's well mannered for the most part-- knows how to sit, comes when called (and when he doesn't I know he's found something good, like Tink's kong) and is very content to chew on a bone. He chewed on bones for the first 2 hrs he was here! He immediately found the toy box and took every bone out he could. He has yet to put them away!
He did show some aggression when Tink literally bumped into him, he continued to growl and become quite possessive of the bone. He did this twice and lost the bone both times and earned a time out both times. He has since then let me touch him while chewing and brought a bone over to chew in my lap. He responds well to verbal praises and cherios and I think it's only a matter of time before he realizes I'm not going to take everything away from him.
He's a smart boy who went right to the door after we came home and immediately pooped outside! He and Tink said brief hellos (she licked him!) but for the most part could care less that the other is around. He has since learned (in a few short hours) that if he wants to go outside, all he needs to do is do stand by the door.... hmm, we'll have to work on that one. I'm thinking of bell training.
Aside from his age of 9 he shouldn't be too much of a challenge to place. He's active but not outrageous, inquisitive but fairly polite. I think a family with an older kid or no kids at all would be lovely! Of course this is all day one, I am well sure that things can and probably will change a bit as he becomes more comfortable!
I'll post pics later. I'm currently trying to take a break, but Iggy has finished his nap and has decided that he wants to do something...not sure what apparently!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tinker Gets a Clean Bill of Health!
So today Tink went to visit Dr. Haver. I swear he loves this little one almost as much as we do! He looked her over and listened to all my thoughts and concerns, answered them honestly and realistically and did not rush me at all. She has little skin tag/bumps over her legs and body and even her little face but not a serious concern by any stretch. Her front right canine tooth needs to be cleaned out with a little hydrogen peroxide once in a while, not a big deal. I told him what I had been doing and he replied "That's exactly what I would have told you to do." He listened to her little heart and said somewhat shocked: "She has the best heart in the house! It's crisp, clean, and regular. Now that could change when she's excited but for now, that's good."
We think Tink is losing her hearing and it did make me sad to hear him say "her world is getting smaller and smaller." I shared my thoughts on how important it is to touch her and keep a consistent schedule and he smiled as if to say I hit the nail on the head. It only dawned on us recently as we've been trying to get her to sit before meals, that maybe she can't hear us as well as she used to hear. I feel sad realizing that her world is indeed becoming smaller, but take comfort in the fact that she is still loving and living life to her fullest potential.
Her heartworm and lymes came back negative, but she was full of hook and round worms--STILL. We have 2ml of pyrantel that we gave her today and another to give 3 weeks from now. He also gave signs for us to to look for the worms taking over her little body: Diahrea, bloody stools, and coughing. Other than that, if she looks/acts ok, i'm treating her as ok.
Dr. Haver smiled in amazement as I shared that Tink still goes up the stairs a few times a day by herself. Her coat is healthy and shiny. It didn't surprise him to hear that she sleeps more or that she may have trouble hearing; it didn't concern him. We talked about Cushing's Disease a little bit and after him looking at her and listening to how she's been he decided that she most likely doesn't have Cushing's and if she did, there isn't much we would do at her age anyways. In his words "ignorance is bliss." She cycles, we know that and he understands that as well.
Tink decided to help us out this morning with a fecal sample by pooping in the dining room immediately after breakfast. I hear Nick "ooh, ooh!" At first I thought it was pee and in the split second after he said no, i was thinking seizure, dying on floor? When I heard/saw poop I was relieved. Nick grabbed a ziplock bag in time and we had a sample for the Doctor without even leaving the house! She hates this weather so much and now with the snow and ice she fears the outside more than I would like her to. The snow is melting already--she will survive. Hopefully our house will too!
So needless to say, I am happy as a clam with the Dr's take on her--i'm sure he thinks we spoil her rotten (homemade food anyone?) and that she certainly deserves it. His quiet mannerisms, gentle spirit, and realistic take how to handle Tink in her golden years is refreshing and gives me security knowing that my little one is in good hands with him for however many more years she graces us with her presence!
We think Tink is losing her hearing and it did make me sad to hear him say "her world is getting smaller and smaller." I shared my thoughts on how important it is to touch her and keep a consistent schedule and he smiled as if to say I hit the nail on the head. It only dawned on us recently as we've been trying to get her to sit before meals, that maybe she can't hear us as well as she used to hear. I feel sad realizing that her world is indeed becoming smaller, but take comfort in the fact that she is still loving and living life to her fullest potential.
Her heartworm and lymes came back negative, but she was full of hook and round worms--STILL. We have 2ml of pyrantel that we gave her today and another to give 3 weeks from now. He also gave signs for us to to look for the worms taking over her little body: Diahrea, bloody stools, and coughing. Other than that, if she looks/acts ok, i'm treating her as ok.
Dr. Haver smiled in amazement as I shared that Tink still goes up the stairs a few times a day by herself. Her coat is healthy and shiny. It didn't surprise him to hear that she sleeps more or that she may have trouble hearing; it didn't concern him. We talked about Cushing's Disease a little bit and after him looking at her and listening to how she's been he decided that she most likely doesn't have Cushing's and if she did, there isn't much we would do at her age anyways. In his words "ignorance is bliss." She cycles, we know that and he understands that as well.
Tink decided to help us out this morning with a fecal sample by pooping in the dining room immediately after breakfast. I hear Nick "ooh, ooh!" At first I thought it was pee and in the split second after he said no, i was thinking seizure, dying on floor? When I heard/saw poop I was relieved. Nick grabbed a ziplock bag in time and we had a sample for the Doctor without even leaving the house! She hates this weather so much and now with the snow and ice she fears the outside more than I would like her to. The snow is melting already--she will survive. Hopefully our house will too!
So needless to say, I am happy as a clam with the Dr's take on her--i'm sure he thinks we spoil her rotten (homemade food anyone?) and that she certainly deserves it. His quiet mannerisms, gentle spirit, and realistic take how to handle Tink in her golden years is refreshing and gives me security knowing that my little one is in good hands with him for however many more years she graces us with her presence!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tinker Haiku
Believe it or not I was going through old work notes and found some Tinker Haiku--practicing before I tried to use it in session i guess! So in honor of the lil munchkin, here's some Haiku, Tinker style!
Snuggles in my arms
Black and white little Tinker
Snoring all day long
Dancing for her meal
At her bowl impatiently
Whenever she wants
Black and white little Tinker
Snoring all day long
Dancing for her meal
At her bowl impatiently
Whenever she wants
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Adventure Continues....
...I didn't want to post this until it was confirmed. And now it appears to be so! As of next Saturday Tinker will have a foster brudda, Iggy. He's a 9yr old owner surrender with no major issues, so we're told. I absolutely cannot wait to meet this little guy! I'm so excited and so nervous all at the same time. Nick is excited too. There are so many unknowns in the situation now, that I play the what-if game. I know that we'll do this whole foster process well, I just hope it goes smoothly and that Tink gets over her little self. I know that she enjoys other dogs around, but I also know she loves being the princess--which of course she will still be. She will maintain her sleeping in bed priviledges and snuggling with her mom, but of course she will have to share her treats (gasp!) and maybe even be a little more active!
Nick and I were joking last night. We were talking about how I was going to have to get up a little earlier in the mornings to help take care of both the dogs (since nick usually feeds Tink and then she comes back to bed with me). We laughed at the thought of having 2 snuggle bunny sleepy heads-- Imagine if Iggy is just as much of a sleepy morning dog as Tink is! There will be 3 of us all snuggled in bed!
Our main goal for Iggy is to love him and find him the perfect forever home just a quick as possible. Oh I just love this adventure we're on together! More to come for sure!
(Happy 3rd Gotcha Day Tink! PS: You're getting a temporary Brudda!)
Nick and I were joking last night. We were talking about how I was going to have to get up a little earlier in the mornings to help take care of both the dogs (since nick usually feeds Tink and then she comes back to bed with me). We laughed at the thought of having 2 snuggle bunny sleepy heads-- Imagine if Iggy is just as much of a sleepy morning dog as Tink is! There will be 3 of us all snuggled in bed!
Our main goal for Iggy is to love him and find him the perfect forever home just a quick as possible. Oh I just love this adventure we're on together! More to come for sure!
(Happy 3rd Gotcha Day Tink! PS: You're getting a temporary Brudda!)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Ok, so yesterday marked our 3 year anniversary with the one and only Tinker! 3 years of love, fun and adventure! She received a gift card to petsmart from her generous friends Plato and Allie for Christmas... we may have to go shopping this weekend with her!!!
Funny and cute story about the little one in honor of her special day:
Yesterday evening after she had her last snack of the night (yummy raw treats!), we went back to bed as usual. Nick and I spent some time scratching and rubbing her little body and after we were done she boogied back down the hall. Of course we followed to see what the hurry was. Sure enough she went back to her bowl and rang it as she is accustomed to doing so when she wants a snack. We laughed and well knowing what I was reinforcing I gave her a little biscuit for being so cute and persistent. No sooner had she swallowed her treat when she boogied back down the hall to her bed. She knows what she wants and how to get it that's for sure!
We didn't have any cake or parties this year to celebrate, but we're learning that each day is a celebration in and of itself. A celebration of life, love, and family and of a cute little Boston name Tinker---my heart dog.
Happy Gotcha day and 12th Birthday Little One. Here's to many many more happy and healthy years to come!
Funny and cute story about the little one in honor of her special day:
Yesterday evening after she had her last snack of the night (yummy raw treats!), we went back to bed as usual. Nick and I spent some time scratching and rubbing her little body and after we were done she boogied back down the hall. Of course we followed to see what the hurry was. Sure enough she went back to her bowl and rang it as she is accustomed to doing so when she wants a snack. We laughed and well knowing what I was reinforcing I gave her a little biscuit for being so cute and persistent. No sooner had she swallowed her treat when she boogied back down the hall to her bed. She knows what she wants and how to get it that's for sure!
We didn't have any cake or parties this year to celebrate, but we're learning that each day is a celebration in and of itself. A celebration of life, love, and family and of a cute little Boston name Tinker---my heart dog.
Happy Gotcha day and 12th Birthday Little One. Here's to many many more happy and healthy years to come!
Friday, January 16, 2009
What to do with Old Towels, Blankets, and Coats....
So you have some old blankets, coats and towels that aren't good enough for good will. What do you do with them? Why contact your local animal shelter and see if they can use them! Dogs and cats certainly don't mind a stain or some thinning fabric! Not only are you helping your local shelter save money and resources, your saving the environment by keeping those old items out of landfills! Check this out for more info!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tinker and her Great White Cape
So Sunday morning we're running around trying to get out of here on time for church (as usual). I was typing up some invites for my 56 girls and Nick was taking care of Tink related items. We both ended up in the living room to get our shoes on and there was Tink walking around with a white cape! She had been running around the apartment herself. She must have ended up in the middle room amist our laundry drying extravaganza and hooked herself on one of Nick's undershirts right through the arm and head openings. It caught her just right with the length of the shirt clear across her back and she became super Tink for a while! From what I could see of her, I initially thought she was just nesting but upon closer inspection Nick and I both began to laugh our heads off as the information sunk into our brains. Meanwhile she stood there indignant with an expression that wanted to say "will you stop laughing and get this thing off me?!?!"
Monday, January 05, 2009
Gracefully Aging...
Well, Nick and I have determined that Tinker "cycles" with the idea that she goes through periods of being very happy and pain free and then she has periods where she seems to be a little more confused or restless. This is how she goes. However, I can't help but seem to notice that she seems a little more "out of sorts" in the past few months than she normally has been. I try to write things off and say I'm "over reacting" but sometimes I just can't. The Whole Dog Journal has run some articles on Canine Dementia and ways to try and stave it off which is great, but it's so hard to keep this little one's mind active.
Now don't get me wrong, I think Tink is doing well overall, it just hurts me to see her wander the hallway and get lost in the bedroom when I know that she knows her way around...at least she did at some point.
We've been working through some teeth and gum difficulties and the only thing that seems to help is rinsing the front of her mouth with hydrogen peroxide and water or salt and water after she eats.
Oh my darling Little One... we love you so much.
She seems more content snuggling with me lately. She and I took a nap on top of the down comforter on Saturday and she was in heaven, down comforter goodness both underneath her and on top of her. When I tried to wake her, I noticed a little doggie drool where she had been sleeping. Good thing it was on Nick's side of the bed : )
She's been craving (or responding more at least) to pats and touches, so I make it a point to slow down and to just touch and love her, kissing her little noggin and whispering in her ears while I rub under her neck.
We're coming up on our 3 year anniversary of our trip to pick her up with "Operation Atlanta." Nick and I were discussing some highlights of our marriage over New Years and that trip was on the list. You've come so far my Peanut...
Sigh, I'm nostalgic for sure this evening. It's the small things, it will always be the small things. Life is made up of the small moments. Watching her gobble up her raw snack before bed time, watching her dance on her hind legs in an effort to get some table scraps, snuggling on the couch on Friday nights, listening to her snore so contentedly at bed time, even listening to her little teeth chatter in excitement before a meal. Feeling the hair on her ears, scratching behind her ears, feeding her long strands of speghetti, "racing" her up the stairs after a quick potty break, wandering the neighborhood on a cool spring evening.... these are the types of moments I always want to remember.
So as I finish this tonight, it is with Tinker sitting her on my lap making sure I behave myself and kiss her head often enough for her. She is a happy girl and she is mine. That's certainly good enough for me : )
Now don't get me wrong, I think Tink is doing well overall, it just hurts me to see her wander the hallway and get lost in the bedroom when I know that she knows her way around...at least she did at some point.
We've been working through some teeth and gum difficulties and the only thing that seems to help is rinsing the front of her mouth with hydrogen peroxide and water or salt and water after she eats.
Oh my darling Little One... we love you so much.
She seems more content snuggling with me lately. She and I took a nap on top of the down comforter on Saturday and she was in heaven, down comforter goodness both underneath her and on top of her. When I tried to wake her, I noticed a little doggie drool where she had been sleeping. Good thing it was on Nick's side of the bed : )
She's been craving (or responding more at least) to pats and touches, so I make it a point to slow down and to just touch and love her, kissing her little noggin and whispering in her ears while I rub under her neck.
We're coming up on our 3 year anniversary of our trip to pick her up with "Operation Atlanta." Nick and I were discussing some highlights of our marriage over New Years and that trip was on the list. You've come so far my Peanut...
Sigh, I'm nostalgic for sure this evening. It's the small things, it will always be the small things. Life is made up of the small moments. Watching her gobble up her raw snack before bed time, watching her dance on her hind legs in an effort to get some table scraps, snuggling on the couch on Friday nights, listening to her snore so contentedly at bed time, even listening to her little teeth chatter in excitement before a meal. Feeling the hair on her ears, scratching behind her ears, feeding her long strands of speghetti, "racing" her up the stairs after a quick potty break, wandering the neighborhood on a cool spring evening.... these are the types of moments I always want to remember.
So as I finish this tonight, it is with Tinker sitting her on my lap making sure I behave myself and kiss her head often enough for her. She is a happy girl and she is mine. That's certainly good enough for me : )
Thursday, January 01, 2009
A Christmas Gift for Me....
So my amazing husband knew I wanted a portrait of the Little One. So this Christmas, he had one done! Stretchie's Vet up in NH is also an artist and she did this beautiful sketch for us!
Heather Berry is the artist and we're very pleased with her rendition of our munchkin.

It's almost life size!
Heather Berry is the artist and we're very pleased with her rendition of our munchkin.
It's almost life size!
While we were up in MA, we were able to find a simple blue colonial style-ish frame that goes beautifully with the matting. It's now hanging in our dining room quite nicely. I need to get a picture of the finished product-- or if you want to see, you should come on over for a visit, some desserts and games!
A New Christmas Coat
Kristin and Spencer, I mean Teddy and Elizabeth their cats, thought of Miss Tink this holiday season and bought her the cutest little wool coat. It's actually made from recycled wool so not only is it fashionable, it's earth friendly too!
Christmas Cookies & Collar
Tink's Gram was kind enough to think of her this Christmas and bought some yummy Natural Balance sweet potato and fish treats and a pretty new collar! Here she is showing them off!
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