Friday, July 31, 2009
Time for the Happy Dance!
...her kidney numbers are slightly elevated, enough that it could be causing her to drink and pee more. He said there is nothing medically that we need to do right now. He did recommend feeding her a diet consisting of 20% or less protein to start. (I did just a bit of research yesterday and we're going to play around with more home made diet stuff first I may be more of a phosphorus issue than a protein issue, but we shall see)
So that's that. There are some really good supplements to help support and help her kidneys including b complex vitamins, Vitamin C (ester variety : ), omega 3's, etc.... so we're going to pick up a few items to see if we can help her little body out.
All in all, fabulous news! We'll see if we can help her little body need less water so we can slow the peeing in the house and going out in the middle of the night, but if not, at least we know at this point it's not life threatening. She's just aging, and apparently quite gracefully!
This little dog makes my heart smile so much! And now i have a new project to research and learn more about. We'll see how we can help her be as comfortable as possible : )
No more testing, no more waiting...still lots of spoiling, but now I will be much more conscious about the protein level in the treats.... of course the duck and turkey treats are 60% and 70% protein respectively!!! Ha, in moderation until they are gone...
Love me some Tink!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Update from Tink's 7/30 Vet Visit
OK, so the test results. The urine test indicated she does NOT have diabetes. He said that while both the diabetes and cushings are not likely, they still can't be ruled out completely. He did say that they move way down the list of possibilities though. He ran some blood work to check kidneys and I think thyroid (although it could be pituitary gland? All the organs are getting mushed in my brain!) We'll have those results tomorrow.
Apparently Cushings and Diabetes are the two toughest to treat. Kidney failure is easier to help her body function comfortably for a long as possible...? I need to do some research tonight and see what the heck I should be looking for in her!
I'm really praying that this is the last of the tests and that something will come back with an answer...if not, I'm really going to need to stop and examine what else it could be and the risks associated if we don't pursue them...
But for now, so far, all good news. Tink was less than thrilled about them taking blood from her though! The dehydrated turkey was little consolation (although she didn't turn it down!)
Here's to some good news (and some answers) tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Happy Tails Book-- Not to late to order a copy!
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NEW bumper Stickers!
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed! The number of stories we received for this book was profound, so much so that we were not able to include every story. If you submitted but haven't heard from us, we apologize, but we were not able to include your dog in this edition. However, we'll keep your story on file, as it looks like we might need to do a second edition! We hope that you will still support this effort by picking up a book - the stories are heartfelt and thought provoking! ------------------------------------------ The following rescue groups were responsible for making this book a success. Thank you!
PARTICIPATE IN OUR NEXT BOOK: "Lost Souls: FOUND! Inspirational Stories of Adopted GOLDEN RETRIEVERS!" Do you know anyone with a great story about their adopted Golden Retriever? Please let them know we want to hear it! The deadline for submissions is July 30th, 2009. Further information and submission guidelines can be found at
Tinker's Creatinine/Cortisol Test Results are in....
So while this is good news, we still don't know why Tink is presenting with the symptoms that she has. We have a vet appointment for her on Thursday morning to do some blood work and a urine analysis to check for diabete's and kidney issues. I'm really hoping that these are the last tests that need to be done for her. I'm praying for some answers from these tests that provide some clear guidelines to help Tink live as comfortable and happy as she can be!
She's been romping around in the back field like a little puppy when we go out the past few days. It's one of those things that I HAVE to smile and giggle when I watch her play like a little pup. When I don't think my heart can love her any more, it grows to fit those small moments of Tinker joy.
She made it until 5am 2 nights ago and 6am this morning before she really needed to go out and pee. I'm hoping we can stretch her just until 7, but if not, we'll do what we need to... although this broken sleep thing (cause she moves around in the middle of the night poking her little paws into me) is for the birds!
So that's the good news for tonight! We'll keep everyone posted and updated as we figure out what is going on with the one and only Miss Tink!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Tink's Great Saturday
I made Tink homemade meatloaf after a morning of grocery shopping and she had a fabulous dinner of meatloaf and cottage cheese last night. Of course she taste tested earlier in the day and approved the dinner menu selection for the evening : )
When we came home from our nice evening with Linds and Jason, she rang her dinner bell for an encore meal, which of course, she was treated to some more yummies. She walked fabulously in the evening acting all spry and nimble.
She didn't want to settle down to sleep in the evening, so of course she found herself in bed. She promptly fell asleep snuggled up tight against me. She slept until 7am this morning : )
Yay for a happy Tinker day : ) here's to a happy Tinker Sunday!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tink had a very nice day yesterday. She was alert and very ready and willing to walk both in the morning and in the evening. We had some nice snuggle and treat time (and some teeth brushing thrown in for good measure.) Nick is really making sure that she gets LOTS of treats and as a result, we're gonna have to cut Tink's kibble just a hair... She is thoroughly enjoying the extra spoiling. Which reminds me, on our grocery shopping excursions this weekend, I'd like to pick up the necessary fixins' for some meatloaf for the little one.
Tink was slightly less active today than yesterday and didn't want to walk this evening. She walked ok this morning though. I want to make sure that when we walk, there is plenty of time for her to sniff and take our time enjoying being outside.
We realized a day or so ago, that in the middle of the night when Tink gets up and then doesn't settle in bed (resulting in a long night of walking up every 30 min or so) that she really needs to pee. So we've been getting up in the wee (ha, pun intended) hours of the morning to give her a potty break.
I also realized (apparently Nick has known for a while...) that the beautiful bed that I made Tink a while ago now, is not her favorite. She nests on all the other beds in the house and seeks them out (up to several times) after being placed on the bed in the back for the night. So last night we came up with the bright idea of putting one of her favorite nesting beds and on top of the other bed...wouldn't ya know! It combined the best of both worlds, softness AND a head rest. Heaven here on earth : ) We compared it to a pillow top mattress : ) She settled right down and slept until 4am this morning (as opposed to 12:30-1am.)
I want to keep these posts as upbeat yet as honest as possible. She's currently sleeping here right nex to me all warm and snuggly : ) We're watching one of Nick's favorites America's Funniest Videos. Unfortunately Tinker doesn't appreciate the humor quite the same way he does. We could hear him laughing all the way down the stairs on Tink's last potty break; we just shook our heads and smiled.
Ha, ok so now i'm just rambling about randomness... And we're soon off to sleepy's to a fun filled weekend and some good news on the other side...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Let's talk about TInker's....
I've been avoiding this issue for the most part while blogging, but now it seems like the time has come. I also hesitate to write this because everyone has a different opinion on how things can (or should) be handled. What follows are my current thoughts, feelings, and some knowledge of what is going on. My ideas and plans will change as the information and data we get changes, but my goal is the same: to keep Tink comfortable and pain free.
Some of you know that it looks as if we will be fostering a 10 year old BT mix beginning in mid August. She has just been diagnosed with Cushing's Disease. Well, we've been keeping an eye on Tinker for a while for this same disease and while doing some more research for Molly, I have learned even more of what to be looking for in Tinker.
The Following information is from Cushing’s Disease Breakthroughs By Michael Dole. It's an E-book entirely devoted to Cushing's and how to work through it.
The following is a list of common Cushing's symptoms. The fun part is that symptoms do not appear all at once and often mimic old age. These symptoms are also present in other diseases making an accurate diagnosis even more difficult.
- Increased thirst (polydipsia)
- Increased urination (polyuria)
- Loss of urinary control
- Unexplained appetite increase ( polyphagia)-- to some extent, but not extreme
- Aggressiveness around food
- Begging, eating from trash cans, stealing food
- Bloated stomach
- Unexplained weight gain or redistribution of weight
- Unexplained weight loss due to loss of muscle mass
- Pronounced bony look to the head
- Inability to exercise
- Overall weakness
- Weakness of the hind legs
- Unusual panting
- Thinning of the coat and/or baldness patterns
- Dull or excessively dry coat
- Excessively slow hair growth
- Thinning of skin
- Tendency for skin becoming easily damaged
- Excessive wrinkling
- Appearance of patched of dark pigmentation
- Presence of calcified lumps in the skin (calcinosis cutis)
- Frequent skin or urinary infections
- Diabetes
- Pancreatitis
- Seizures
I spoke with Dr. Haver directly today and Tink's age is not on her side. He shared that there are other possibilities that could be causing these symptoms including diabetes or her kidneys. Treating Cushing's is a "full time job" according to Dr. Haver. Sometimes treatment is very effective but other times it is not. It is costly both with time and money and it is filled with trial and error. I wanted him to tell me what he would do in our situation, but unfortunately, I couldn't squeak it out of him. What I did get was an honest conversation and as a result we have a starting point to begin with Miss Tink.
There are several testing options for Cushing's but most of them are time consuming and will be very taxing on Tink. I don't want to put Tink through an 8 hour day of testing and blood work if I can avoid it. Tomorrow morning I will be bringing a urine sample for a Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio Test. This test is a screening tool as it will not say that she has Cushing's but it will either effectively rule it out (causing us to look at Diabetes or her kidneys) or rule it in (causing us to look at Cushing's or other diseases that cause these symptoms.)
I need to take first things first and not get ahead of myself with all of this. My main goal is to keep Tink comfortable and pain free. She is getting as much attention and love and care as Nick and I can give her. Our main goal around the house is to spoil her as much as is humanly possible. I will not put her through painful and taxing treatments at her age. I appreciated Dr. Haver's candid way of discussing our options and I know after this first test we'll have another discussion about our options when slightly more information is known. If it's not Cushing's it could be diabetes and Dr. Haver had a much better outlook on treating Diabetes than treating Cushing's Disease. However, he did say he has treated several dogs with Cushing's; some successfully and some not successfully.
We'll know more when this first screening comes back....meanwhile, Tink is still happy when I come home, she loves her food, and has been walking and snuggling ok too. (but doesn't get comfy in the evenings or at night as easily.)
It seems like every other day there is something going on. I've realized though, that if i'm going to foster and work with the older dogs that I need to get used to this and develop some healthy coping strategies to effectively work through all that will come our way. I love Tink so much and the thought of her not being comfortable or having something going on in her body that we can help her with is driving me nuts. I do know that the God of the universe orchestrated getting this pretty little lady into our family and He will walk us through all that is to come one step at a time.
More to follow for sure....
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Our Trip to MA....

We had a beautiful time resting and spending time with family up in Massachusetts over the past several days. Tink put up with, I mean, enjoyed Jazz & Stretch's company and appeared to enjoy roaming around the front yard on her own. Ahh, the beauty of fencing.
Mom and I stopped at Beaver Valley on Friday to pick up more treats. Gotta love the Zuke hip actions, peanut butter variety and I thought it would be fun to try some SOrganic chicken treats as well as Whole Life dehydrated turkey. Tink will have to wait until she eats her way through some of the opened bags of treats before we open new ones, but she seems very happy and content with a wider variety to choose from. Nevermind that the little monkey had bites of just about everything I ate from green beans, to bananas, to whipped cream on strawberries and some hot dog too : )
Tink slept very contently on my lap for most of the ride up and back minus an hour or so during each ride where we did our darndest to figure out how to make her comfortable: turn the a/c on, turn it off, turn it on and cover tink with a blanket, open windows, let her pant.... a happy medium was found for everyone, but it did include Nick putting on a sweatshirt on today's travels....
So all in all, a very nice time which included taking fun pictures with photobooth... Tink was sleepy that night and wasn't game for many photos but we did manage to include her in a few : )

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Another Parker Update 7-15-09
"We are so pleased with Parker's progress. He is happy and relaxed. He is playing with us, jumping and running. Last night he wanted to go for a walk even though he had two walks already, so he went and got his leash and put it in front of the door. He lets us know what ever he wants. He doesn't always get it. He is eating well and sleeping in his crate with no problem. He sat on my husband's lap yesterday when my husband was sitting on the floor. Today he got up on my chair, but got off as soon as I saw him. I am thanking you again for the good job you did with him." ~Anne
I am so excited and pleased with how he is transitioning! Proof that all he needed was a foundation to build on!!!
Tink, Nick, and I are off to MA this afternoon for a nice break with my family ; ) Hopefully we'll get some nice pictures of Tink, Stretch, and Jazz as well as some of the horses. We shall see!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tinker and the quest for yummy snacks....
Needless to say, I have been on a quest... I've managed to get 2 types of treats so far. A peanut butter biscuit by Harmony Farms (it was the only thing at Giant that met my specifications including no corn, wheat, or soy...) and a huge bag of the healthy hip duck strips which Tinker absolutely loves!
I plan on picking up some more in MA while on vacation and making sure she gets all the love and affection she can handle! She is currently sleeping soundly on the couch with me after her first delicious taste test of the duck strips. I think those may be a yummy after dinner snack or before bedtime treat... we shall see.
We're open to any yummy and nutritious snack opportunities for the little one. I love to bake for her but haven't had the time recently... will add that to my list of things to do soon : )
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Parker Update
As Jodi has said, it's like a beautiful cinderella story for Mr Parks. Sounds like everyone is transitioning nicely! Yeah for Parker : )
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Parker's gone and done it this time....
It is with tears of joy and and sadness that I write these words. I've spent the evening packing up his bags, gather directions, and generally getting ready for the big drive tomorrow afternoon. A wonderful family from NJ is very excited to adopt Parker and make him a big part of their family. It looks like a fabulous match and I am so excited for them.
I'm so very sad that he is leaving our home....he has spent 9 weeks with us. The first month was very rough, but the second was this amazing growth and development of Parker and his relationship with me and our family here.
This is what fostering is all about though: rescuing and saving these dogs from near death, the horrors of the mills, neglect, etc. and rehabilitating them, loving them, and providing a future and a hope with a family that loves and cares for them. As a foster home, we are but one piece in each dog's puzzle. And the hardest, most painful moment for the foster parent is the moment everyone in the rescue works towards. We work towards the day when each dog is adopted into their forever home. It hurts when the dog takes a part of my heart with him, but knowing that we took care of him when he needed it most is worth it all.
I love you Parker. Take care as your chapter with us closes. Tomorrow is where your story really begins.....
Monday, July 06, 2009
A lazy day....
Tink woke up this afternoon with her head/neck stuck down to the right with what appeared to be an enlarged right shoulder. She didn't want to walk and she didn't have good balance. I gave her some baby aspirin with some yummy cottage cheese and let her sleep a little more. When she awoke, she shook and stretched and smashed her face into the carpet which let me know that she had shaken whatever kinked her up earlier. She is so precious when she smashes her face into the carpet and rolls around...
Some things we love about miss Tink:
- her little head fits so perfectly in the crook of my shoulder
- the pleasure she gets from rolling around and smashing her face into the carpet first thing in the morning and after meals
- her gently disposition and easy going attitude
- She NEVER gives up
- her ability to love and trust us completely
Nick and I went out for just a bit this evening and when we came back home both dogs grabbed their kongs and had a kong party here on the living room floor side by side. It was adorable!
Parker has been such a joy! He's been affectionate, well behaved, and gentle with miss Tink!
Here are a few of our favorite things about Parker:
- I love how he body slams himself into the grass first thing in the morning. He rolls around and slides down the little hill in the back head first, on his back.
- The smile he generally wears on his face!
- The joy he shows in all of his favorite activities: walking outside, chewing on bones, belly rubs, dinner time....
- how long he looks when he is sprawled out with his froggy legs behind him and his front paws fully extended!
- He loves car rides! He will attempt to jump into ANY open car door or trunk!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Quick Camp Recap
Tink did very well too. We had plenty of snuggle time, plenty of walking, and lots of yummy food. I thought she was feeling a tad under the weather on Friday. She slept more than usual for most of the day and then mid afternoon she woke up and was ready to go. Everyday can be an adventure with my little one!
I kept meaning to get the camera out when Parker was laying in the sun or chewing on a stick or sitting so pretty and handsome... and yet it was never around except in my mind's eye. We took him down to the Creek this afternooon and his stuck his feet in. I think if he could have gotten on solid footing he would have gone in. The rocks were slippery and he was playing it safe.
I didn't realize what a sun worshipper this guy is! He found the sun spots in the cabin and followed them as they moved across the floor. All curled up so cute and sleepy like.
He jumped into my trunk last night while we were putting stuff away. I didn't think the entire process through and I went to reach in and help him out...yeah, he growled and snapped. Nick's been thinking it through and Parker in general and has come to the conclusion that Parker doesn't like to be cornered and then reached at with a hand. Which is exactly what I did last night without even realizing it. It was late and dark and he was tired and ready for some normal routine.... Next time we'll do it differently.
Potentially some really good news for Parker coming down the line...not going to say anything more, but big smiles for Parker Bailey. He has come so far and worked so hard. Right now he's sleeping/snoring/sucking on his bed. He's a bit cranky this evening. I think he is very over tired. Time to get out a really yummy treat and get him outside for his last potty of the night!